OracleCalendar Object
An Oracle calendar.
The sections below list the built-in methods and properties that you can use as operations for the OracleCalendar object.
Note: You can also view a list and descriptions of the OracleCalendar description properties, for use in object repository descriptions, programmatic descriptions, checkpoint and output value steps, and as argument values for the GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods.
Cancel | Presses the Cancel button in an Oracle calendar. |
CaptureBitmap | Saves a screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image using the specified file name. |
Check | Checks whether the actual value of an item matches the expected value. |
CheckProperty | Checks whether the actual value of the specified object property matches the specified expected value within the specified timeout. |
ChildObjects | Returns the collection of child objects contained within the object. |
GetAllROProperties | Returns the collection of properties and current values from the object in the application. |
Click | Clicks the specified location with the specified mouse button. |
Enter | Enters a date in an Oracle calendar. |
GetROProperty | Returns the current value of the description property from the object in the application. |
GetTOProperties | Returns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object. |
GetTOProperty | Returns the value of the specified description property from the test object description. |
Highlight | Highlights the object in the application. |
InvokeSoftkey | Invokes the specified Oracle softkey. |
Output | Retrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location. |
RefreshObject | Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to re-identify the object in the application the next time a step refers to this object. |
SelectPopupMenu | Invoke context menu and select the specified menu option. |
SetTOProperty | Sets the value of the specified description property in the test object description. |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the test object. |
WaitProperty | Waits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step. |
Exist | Checks whether the object currently exists in the open application. |
Cancel Method
Presses the Cancel button in an Oracle calendar.
Return Type
'The following example uses the Cancel method to close the calendar control without 'specifying a date. OracleListOfValues("Responsibilities").Select "Application Developer" OracleNavigator("OracleNavigator").SelectFunction "Profile" OracleFormWindow("Profiles").OracleTextField("Active Dates|Start").OpenDialog OracleCalendar("Calendar").Cancel
Click Method
Clicks the specified location with the specified mouse button.
object.Click ([x], [y], [BUTTON])
Parameter | Description |
x |
Optional. An integer value. The x-coordinate of the click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. Default = micNoCoordinate (center of the object). Default value = -1 |
y |
Optional. An integer value. The y-coordinate of the click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. Default value = -1 |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button used to click the object. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type
'The following example uses the Click method to click the "Attribute Groups" button in 'the "Master Item" form. OracleFormWindow("Master Item").OracleTable("ORG_ASSIGN").EnterField 2, "Assigned", True OracleFormWindow("Master Item").OracleButton("Attribute Groups").Click OracleFormWindow("Master Item").OracleTabRegion("Work In Process").OracleList("Type").Select "Push" OracleFormWindow("Master Item").Save OracleFormWindow("Master Item").CloseForm
'The following example uses the Click method to perform a left mouse-button click at 'coordinates (5,5) inside the "Item" text field. OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Range").OpenDialog OracleListOfValues("Range").Select "Specific item" OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Specific Item").SetFocus OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").Enter "NO" OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").CaptureBitmap "c:\temp\capture.bmp", True OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").Check CheckPoint("Engineering Bills") OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").InvokeSoftkey "NEXT FIELD" OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Click 5, 5, 0 OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Enter "AT23808" If (OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").GetROProperty("Value") = "AT23808") Then OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Enter "AT23809" End If OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Output CheckPoint("Item")
Enter Method
Enters a date in an Oracle calendar.
object.Enter (Value)
Parameter | Description |
Value |
Required. A String value. The date to enter in the calendar. You must specify the date in the format required by your Oracle server. |
Return Type
During a run session, an OracleCalendar.Enter step may sometimes enter a value in the wrong field.
Workaround: Use an OracleTextField.Enter step to enter the value in the date field instead.
'The following example uses the Enter method to enter the date "30-APR-2005" in the 'calendar. OracleListOfValues("Responsibilities").Select "Application Developer" OracleNavigator("OracleNavigator").SelectFunction "Profile" OracleFormWindow("Profiles").OracleTextField("Active Dates|End").OpenDialog OracleCalendar("Calendar").Enter "30-APR-2005"
InvokeSoftkey Method
Invokes the specified Oracle softkey.
object.InvokeSoftkey (Softkey)
Parameter | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Softkey |
Required. A String value. The softkey function to perform. You can view the functions available in a specific form by pressing Ctrl+K in an Oracle Applications session. Softkey functions are not case sensitive. The following functions can be specified:
Return Type
'The following example uses the InvokeSoftkey method to close the "Navigator" tree. OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").Check CheckPoint("Navigator") Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "OracleTree CheckPoint", "Indicates if all captured properties are correct. " OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").Select "Personal Shortcuts" OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").Expand "Public Shortcuts" OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").Collapse "Profiles" OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").InvokeSoftkey "EXIT" OracleNavigator("OracleNavigator").SelectMenu "File->Switch Responsibility..."
'The following example uses the InvokeSoftkey method to exit the "Item Costs_2" form 'after modifying the value in the "Rate or Amount" field. OracleFormWindow("Item Costs_2").OracleTabbedRegion("Cost Information").OracleTextField("Rate or Amount").Enter "100" OracleNavigator("OracleNavigator").SelectMenu "File->Save" OracleStatusLine("OracleStatusLine").Check CheckPoint("OracleStatusLine") OracleFormWindow("Item Costs_2").OracleTabbedRegion("Cost Information").OracleTextField("Rate or Amount").InvokeSoftkey "EXIT"
'The following example uses the InvokeSoftkey method to move to the next field in the '"Parameters" flexfield window. OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Range").OpenDialog OracleListOfValues("Range").Select "Specific item" OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Specific Item").SetFocus OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").Enter "NO" OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").CaptureBitmap "c:\temp\capture.bmp", True OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").Check CheckPoint("Engineering Bills") OracleFlexWindow("Parameters").OracleTextField("Engineering Bills").InvokeSoftkey "NEXT FIELD" OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Click 5, 5, 0 OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Enter "AT23808" If (OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").GetROProperty("Value") = "AT23808") Then OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Enter "AT23809" End If OracleFlexWindow("System Items").OracleTextField("Item").Output CheckPoint("Item")
'The following example uses the InvokeSoftkey method to clear all the fields in the '"HEADERS_SUMMARY" table. OracleNavigator("OracleNavigator").SelectFunction "Cash Forecasting:Forecasts" OracleFormWindow("Find Cash Forecasts").OracleButton("Find").Click OracleFormWindow("Cash Forecasts").OracleTable("HEADERS_SUMMARY").SetFocus 1, "Template Name" OracleFormWindow("Cash Forecasts").OracleTable("HEADERS_SUMMARY").InvokeSoftkey "CLEAR BLOCK"
'The following example uses the InvokeSoftkey method to close the "Service Request" form. OracleFormWindow("Service Request").InvokeSoftkey ("EXIT") If OracleNotification("Forms").Exist Then OracleNotification("Forms").Choose ("Yes") End If
SelectPopupMenu Method
Invoke context menu and select the specified menu option.
object.SelectPopupMenu (Path)
Parameter | Description |
Path |
Required. A String value. The path of the menu to open. |
Return Type
'This example uses the SelectFunction method to select a function containing a tree, and navigates to the "Default - Enhancement [40]" node. 'It then uses the SelectPopupMenu method to open the pop-up menu and select the "Find..." option, and enters a search query. OracleNavigator("OracleNavigator").SelectFunction "Territory Management:Territory Administration" 'Expand the nodes to navigate to an item with a pop-up menu. OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").Expand "Territories->Catch All->Oracle Defect Management" OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").Expand "Territories->Catch All->Oracle Defect Management->Default - Enhancement [40]" 'Open the pop-up menu and select the Find option. OracleFormWindow("Navigator").OracleTree("Navigator").SelectPopupMenu "Find..." 'Enter a search query. OracleFormWindow("Territory Search").OracleTextField("Usage").OpenDialog
See also: