WbfGrid Object
A .NET Web Forms DataGrid object.
By default, OpenText Functional Testing recognizes a grid as a WbfGrid test object if:
- The object's class attribute contains the string "DataGrid"
- The object's id attribute contains either "DataGrid" or "GridView"
If your grid does not meet one of these criteria, OpenText Functional Testing may recognize your grid as a WebTable test object. For more information, see the Troubleshooting and Limitations page in the .NET Add-in in the Add-ins section of the OpenText Functional Testing Help Center.
The sections below list the built-in methods and properties that you can use as operations for the WbfGrid object.
Note: You can also view a list and descriptions of the WbfGrid description properties, for use in object repository descriptions, programmatic descriptions, checkpoint and output value steps, and as argument values for the GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods.
![]() | Saves a screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image using the specified file name. |
![]() | Checks whether the actual value of an item matches the expected value. |
![]() | Checks whether the actual value of the specified object property matches the specified expected value within the specified timeout. |
![]() | Returns a test object from the cell by type and index. |
![]() | Returns the number of objects of a specific type in a cell. |
![]() | Returns the collection of child objects contained within the object. |
![]() | Returns the collection of properties and current values from the object in the application. |
![]() | Clicks the object. |
![]() | Clicks a specified cell or a specified object inside of a cell. |
![]() | Returns the number of columns in a specified row. |
![]() | Clicks on the object twice. |
![]() | Performs the 'drag' part of a drag and drop operation. |
![]() | Performs the 'drop' part of a drag and drop operation. |
![]() | Triggers an event. |
![]() | Returns a specified cell's data. |
![]() | Returns the current value of the description property from the object in the application. |
![]() | Returns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object. |
![]() | Returns the value of the specified description property from the test object description. |
![]() | Highlights the object in the application. |
![]() | When hover is supported, places the pointer on the object. Otherwise, taps the object. |
![]() | Presses and holds the object. |
![]() | Middle-clicks the object. |
![]() | Retrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location. |
![]() | Perform a pan gesture. |
![]() | Perform a pinch gesture. |
![]() | Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to re-identify the object in the application the next time a step refers to this object. |
![]() | Right-clicks the object. |
![]() | Returns the number of rows in a grid. |
![]() | Sets a specified cell's data. |
![]() | Sets the value of the specified description property in the test object description. |
![]() | Submits a form. |
![]() | Swipes the object. |
![]() | Returns a string that represents the test object. |
![]() | Waits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step. |
![]() | Checks whether the object currently exists in the open application. |
![]() | Accesses the native methods and properties of the object. |
ChildItem Method
Returns a test object from the cell by type and index.
object.ChildItem (Row, Column, TO_Class, Index)
Parameter | Description |
Row |
Required. A long integer value. Row number where the cell is located. The first row in the grid is numbered 1. |
Column |
Required. A long integer value. The first column in the grid is numbered 1. |
TO_Class |
Required. A String value. Object type. |
Index |
Required. A long integer value. Index of the object of type TO_Class in the cell. It is used to specify the desired element when there is more than one object of type TO_Class in the cell. The first object has an index of 0. |
Return Type
An Object.

'The following example uses the ChildItem method to set the value of the edit box in the cell located in 'the eighth row, second column of the "MyDataGrid" grid to 15. Set WebEditObj = Browser("Browser").Page("Page_2").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").ChildItem(8, 2, "WebEdit", 0) WebEditObj.Set "15"
ChildItemCount Method
Returns the number of objects of a specific type in a cell.
object.ChildItemCount (Row, Column, TO_Class)
Parameter | Description |
Row |
Required. A long integer value. Row number where the cell is located. The first row in the grid is numbered 1. |
Column |
Required. A long integer value. Column number where the cell is located. The first column in the grid is numbered 1. |
TO_Class |
Required. A String value. Object type. |
Return Type
A long integer value.

'The following example uses the ChildItemCount method to count the number of edit boxes in the first row, 'second column of the "MyDataGrid" grid. CICount = Browser("Browser").Page("Page_2").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").ChildItemCount(1, 2, "WebEdit")
Click Method
Clicks the object.
object.Click [x], [y], [BUTTON]
Parameter | Description |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of the click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of the click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Tip: You can enter micNoCoordinate for the x and y argument values if you want to enter a value for the button argument without specifying x- and y- coordinates for the click. Default value = -9999 |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button used to click the object. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type

'The following example uses the Click method to click at coordinates 5, 10 on the "Calendar1" calendar object. Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WbfCalendar("Calendar1").Click 5, 10
ClickCell Method
Clicks a specified cell or a specified object inside of a cell.
object.ClickCell (Row, Column, [Index])
Parameter | Description |
Row |
Required. A long integer value. Row number where the cell is located. The first row in the grid is numbered 1. |
Column |
Required. A long integer value. Column number where the cell is located. The first column in the grid is numbered 1. |
Index |
Optional. A long integer value. The index of the control within the cell. The first object has an index of 1. Default value = 1 |
Return Type

'The following example uses the ClickCell method to click the first (or only) control in the cell located 'in the second row, left-most column of the "MyDataGrid" grid. Browser("Browser").Page("Page_2").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").ClickCell 2, 1
ColumnCount Method
Returns the number of columns in a specified row.
object.ColumnCount (Row)
Parameter | Description |
Row |
Required. A long integer value. Row number. The first row in the grid is numbered 1. |
Return Type
A long integer value.

'The following example uses the ColumnCount method to return the number of columns in the first row of 'the "MyDataGrid" grid. colCount = Browser("Browser").Page("Page_2").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").ColumnCount(1)
DoubleClick Method
Clicks on the object twice.
object.DoubleClick ([interval], [x], [y])
Parameter | Description |
interval |
Optional. A double floating value. The number of seconds between the two clicks. The default value is 0.2 seconds. |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of the click. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of the click. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
This method is supported as long as the application supports touch events and is run on a mobile device on OpenText Functional Testing Lab or a touch-enabled browser. Using this method on desktop browsers may generate warnings, even if you are using a mobile emulator.
If you are testing a web or hybrid application on a mobile device, this method is equivalent to performing the DoubleTap gesture.

'The following example double-clicks the "Calendar1" calendar object. Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WbfCalendar("Calendar1").DoubleClick
Drag Method
Performs the 'drag' part of a drag and drop operation.
object.Drag [x], [y], [BUTTON], [Modifier]
Parameter | Description |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. Default value = -9999 |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Modifier |
Optional. A String value. Default value = 0 |
Return Type
Drop Method
Performs the 'drop' part of a drag and drop operation.
object.Drop [x], [y]
Parameter | Description |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
FireEvent Method
Triggers an event.
object.FireEvent EventName, [x], [y], [BUTTON]
Parameter | Description |
EventName |
Required. A String value. The name of the event to trigger. All events exposed by the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Object Model are supported. Refer to the DHTML Events section of the MSDN Library documentation for further information. |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate, relative to the upper left corner of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate, relative to the upper left corner of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button used to fire the object. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type

'The following example uses the FireEvent method to simulate the mouseover event on a calendar object. Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WbfCalendar("Calendar1").FireEvent "onmouseover"
GetCellData Method
Returns a specified cell's data.
object.GetCellData (Row, Column)
Parameter | Description |
Row |
Required. A long integer value. Row number where the cell is located. The first row in the grid is numbered 1. |
Column |
Required. A long integer value. Column number where the cell is located. The first column in the grid is numbered 1. |
Return Type
A String value.

'The following example uses the GetCellData method to return the data in the cell located in the second 'row, third column of the "MyDataGrid" grid. cellData = Browser("Browser").Page("Page_2").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").GetCellData(2, 3)
HoverTap Method
When hover is supported, places the pointer on the object. Otherwise, taps the object.
object.HoverTap ([x], [y])
Parameter | Description |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of the hover point or tap. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of the hover point or tap. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
This method is supported as long as the Web site being tested is run on a mobile device on OpenText Functional Testing Lab, and the test object implements this gesture. Using this method on desktop browsers may generate warnings, even if you are using a mobile emulator.

'When performed in an environment that supports hovering, such as a desktop browser, 'the following example hovers over the checkbox, perhaps displaying a tooltip. 'When performed in an environment that does not support hovering, such as a mobile 'browser, the example taps the checkbox instead, perhaps selecting it. Browser("Booking Site").Page("Find Flights").WbfCalendar("roundtrip").HoverTap
LongPress Method
Presses and holds the object.
object.LongPress [duration], [x], [y]
Parameter | Description |
duration |
Optional. A double floating value. The time period (in seconds) to hold the long tap gesture. You can specify partial seconds as a duration time. Default value = 1 |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of the tap gesture. The coordinate is relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of the tap gesture. The coordinate is relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
This method is supported as long as the application supports touch events and is run on a mobile device on OpenText Functional Testing Lab or a touch-enabled browser. Using this method on desktop browsers may generate warnings, even if you are using a mobile emulator.
MiddleClick Method
Middle-clicks the object.
object.MiddleClick [x], [y]
Parameter | Description |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of the middle-click. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of the middle-click. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
Pan Method
Perform a pan gesture.
object.Pan (deltaX, deltaY, [duration], [startX], [startY])
Parameter | Description |
deltaX |
Required. A long integer value. The distance moved on the x axis, relative to the start point. |
deltaY |
Required. A long integer value. The distance moved on the y axis, relative to the start point. |
duration |
Optional. A double floating value. The number of seconds required to perform the pan gesture. Default value = 0.5 |
startX |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of where the pan gesture starts. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
startY |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of where the pan gesture starts. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
This method is supported as long as the application supports touch events and is run on a mobile device on OpenText Functional Testing Lab or a touch-enabled browser. Using this method on desktop browsers may generate warnings, even if you are using a mobile emulator.
This method is not supported in Internet Explorer and older versions of FireFox

'The following example performs a Pan gesture on a WbfCalendar object. Device("Device").App("Mobile Web_2").MobileWebView("Web View").WbfCalendar("Calendar1").Pan 564, 507
Pinch Method
Perform a pinch gesture.
object.Pinch (scale, [duration], [x], [y])
Parameter | Description |
scale |
Required. A double floating value. The zoom scale resulting from the pinch gesture. This is the ratio between the distance between the fingers at the end of the pinch gesture to the distance between the fingers at the beginning of the pinch gesture. |
duration |
Optional. A double floating value. The number of seconds required to perform the pinch gesture. The default value is 1 second. Default value = 1 |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of where the pinch gesture begins. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of of where the pinch gesture begins. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
This method is supported as long as the application supports touch events and is run on a mobile device on OpenText Functional Testing Lab or a touch-enabled browser. Using this method on desktop browsers may generate warnings, even if you are using a mobile emulator.
This method is not supported in Internet Explorer and older versions of FireFox.

'The following example performs a Pinch gesture on a WbfCalendar object, where the zoom is multiplied by 2.5. Device("Device").App("Mobile Web_2").MobileWebView("Web View").WbfCalendar("Calendar1").Pinch 2.5
RightClick Method
Right-clicks the object.
object.RightClick [x], [y]
Parameter | Description |
x |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate of the right-click. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
y |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate of the right-click. The specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
RowCount Method
Returns the number of rows in a grid.
Return Type
A long integer value.

'The following example uses the RowCount method to return the number of rows in the "MyDataGrid" grid. RowCount = Browser("Browser").Page("Page_2").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").RowCount()
SetCellData Method
Sets a specified cell's data.
object.SetCellData (Row, Column, Data, [Index])
Parameter | Description |
Row |
Required. A long integer value. The location of the row within the grid. The first row in the grid is numbered 1. |
Column |
Required. A long integer value. The location of the column within the grid. The first column in the grid is numbered 1. |
Data |
Required. A String value. The data to set for the control. |
Index |
Optional. A long integer value. The index of the control within the cell. The first object has an index of 1. Default value = 1 |
Return Type
This method should be used only for grid objects whose cells contain inner controls.
This method is recorded only after you move the focus from the edited cell to another cell.

'The following example uses the SetCellData method to enter the value 5 in the first control inside 'the cell located in the second row, third column of the "MyDataGrid" grid. Browser("Browser").Page("Page_2").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").SetCellData 2, 3, "5"
Submit Method
Submits a form.
Return Type

'The following example uses the Submit method to submit a form in which a calendar is located. Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WbfCalendar("Calendar1").Submit
Swipe Method
Swipes the object.
object.Swipe direction, [distance], [duration], [startX], [startY]
Parameter | Description |
direction |
Required. A MoveDirection Value. The direction of the swipe gesture. Possible values:
distance |
Optional. A long integer value. The distance (in pixels?) of the swipe gesture. Default value = 200 |
duration |
Optional. A double floating value. The time period (in seconds) of the swipe gesture. You can specify partial seconds as a duration time. Default value = 0.25 |
startX |
Optional. A long integer value. The x-coordinate at which the swipe gesture begins. The coordinate is relative to the upper left corner of the object. Default value = -9999 |
startY |
Optional. A long integer value. The y-coordinate at which the swipe gesture begins. The coordinate is relative to the upper left corner of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Return Type
This method is supported as long as the Web site being tested is run on a mobile device on OpenText Functional Testing Lab, and the test object implements this gesture. Using this method on desktop browsers may generate warnings, even if you are using a mobile emulator.
This method is not supported on Windows Phone.

'The following example performs a Swipe gesture on a WbfGrid object. Device("Device").App("Mobile Web_2").MobileWebView("Web View").WbfGrid("MyDataGrid").Swipe moveDown,200,1,75,75
See also: