JavaOptions Object
Represents the GUI Testing tab > Java pane of the Options dialog box, which enables you to configure how OpenText Functional Testing records and runs steps on Java applets and applications.
Public Properties
Public Property AnalogTableRecordingIndicates whether OpenText Functional Testing records only low-level table methods.
Public Property AttachedTextRadiusThe maximum distance in pixels to search for attached text.
Public Property AWTEventModelThe event model used to send events to the objects in the applet or application.
Public Property DeviceReplayThe list of operations to be performed during the run session using a device level replay, which simulates exact mouse or key operations.
Public Property RecordComboByIndexIndicates whether to record combo box objects based on their index ID.
Public Property RecordListByIndexIndicates whether to record list objects based on their index ID.
Public Property RecordTabByIndexIndicates whether to record tab objects based on their index ID.
Public Property RecordTreeByIndexIndicates whether to record TreeView objects based on their index ID.
Public Property TableExternalEditorsA list of control classes that should not be treated as part of a JavaTable object, but rather as separate objects.
Public Property TableInternalEditorsA list of control classes that should be treated as part of a JavaTable object.
Public Property TreePathSeparatorThe separator used to separate entries in the path to a node of a TreeView control.