Configure AI Options
Supported in versions 15.0 and later.
Source code
'************************************************************************************************************************ 'Description: ' 'This example opens OpenText Functional Testing and sets its GUI Testing > AI Object Detection > Enable AI Object Detection option to activate the AI-testing capabilities. 'After making this change, the script restarts OpenText Functional Testing for the changes to take effect, and then sets the other AI-related options ' '************************************************************************************************************************ Dim App 'As Application ' Declare the Application object variable Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object App.Launch ' Start the testing application App.Visible = True ' Make the application visible If not App.Options.AI.Active Then ' If the AI capabilities are currently not activated App.Options.AI.Active = True ' Set the option to activate the AI capabilities next time the application starts App.Quit' Close the application Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object App.Launch ' Start the application again End If App.Options.AI.EnableAutoScroll = True ' Set the option to enable auto scrolling App.Options.AI.AutoScrollDirection = "right" ' Set the option to scroll to the right instead of the default - down App.Options.AI.AutoScrollMaxScrolls = 3 ' Extend scrolling to 3 screens instead of the default App.Options.AI.EnableVerifyIdentification = True ' Supported in versions 2021 and later. Set the option to enable verifying AI object identification App.Options.AI.EnvsForVerifyIdentification = "Mobile" ' Supported in versions 2021 and later. Specify the environment on which AI object identification is verified App.Options.AI.IdentificationCacheEnabled = True 'Supported in versions 2021 and later. Set the option to enable the cache mechanism for AI-based object identification App.Options.AI.OCRProvider = "AI" ' Set the option to use AI text recognition settings, not OpenText Functional Testing's App.Options.AI.OCRLanguages = "en" ' Set the option to detect English using OCR Set App = Nothing ' Release the Application object