Active | Indicates whether to record and run on any open Siebel session (False) or to open a specified session (True) when a record or run session begins. |
Address | The URL address to open. |
AutoLogin | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing automatically logs in to the Siebel server. |
CloseOnExit | Indicates whether the browser that was opened by the launcher is closed when the test closes. |
LogoutOnExit | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing automatically logs out of the application that was opened by the launcher when the test closes. |
Password | The encrypted Siebel login password. |
SiebAutomationAccessCode | The predefined security code required to enable access to Siebel Test Automation. |
SiebAutomationRequestTimeout | The timeout period for each attempt to connect to Siebel Test Automation when running the test. |
User | The Siebel login user name. |
Version | The Siebel version for the application(s) on which OpenText Functional Testing will record and run. |