UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility Readme
This page provides information about the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility SDK.
The UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility SDK enables you to develop custom support for third-party and custom Java controls that are not supported by UFT One out-of-the-box.
The Java Add-in Extensibility SDK enables you to create testing support for Java objects that extend the following classes:
AWT toolkit (which includes JFC/Swing) | java.awt.Component |
SWT toolkit | org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget |
UFT One is backwards compatible, and enables you to run tests and components on custom controls using toolkit support sets developed with QuickTest Professional Java Add-in Extensibility or earlier versions of the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility.
The SDK supplies a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that provides wizards and commands to simplify the process of creating custom support.
Installation and deployment
Install the UFT Java Add-in Extensibility SDK and develop the toolkit support set for your Java controls on any computer.
After creating custom support, deploy it to UFT One, enabling UFT One to recognize the controls and support the appropriate properties and test object methods.
When you create custom toolkit support using the UFT Java Add-in Extensibility Eclipse plug-in, save and build the project before you deploy it to UFT. If you deploy a project that was not successfully built, the Java application that you are testing may behave unexpectedly.
Note: The UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility SDK is required only for developing the support.
You do not need to install it on each UFT One computer that users the support.
For more details, see Installing the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility SDK.
UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility SDK documentation includes:
- Java Add-in Extensibility Developer Guide
- Java Add-in Extensibility API Reference
- Java Add-in Extensibility Toolkit Configuration Schema Help
- UFT Test Object Schema Help
UFT One | Version 14.03 or later, with the Java Add-in installed |
Eclipse IDE | Freeware. For more information, see the Eclipse documentation. |
Note: UFT One can be installed on the same computer as the SDK, or a different computer.
If you plan to use the same computer, be sure to install the prerequisites before installing the SDK.
Supported versions
For a list of the supported versions of software used together with UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility, see the UFT One Support Matrix (PAM).
Note: If you need to support custom controls in an application that runs in an Oracle SDK version other than those listed in the Support Matrix, compile the support classes manually using the appropriate compiler.
Import an existing Java Add-in Extensibility project to Eclipse
To import an existing UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility project into Eclipse, and then enable the Eclipse plug-in to recognize it as such, do the following in Eclipse:
- Select File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace.
- Select the Select root directory option, and then browse to the root directory of your project.
- Click Finish when the project is added to the Projects list.
Note: After importing a UFT OneJava Add-in Extensibility project, you can add custom support classes and use the Deploy Toolkit Support and Reload Support Configuration commands.
The following commands are available only for support classes that were created as UFT One custom support classes in the current Eclipse workspace:
- Delete Custom Support
- Add Identification Property
- Add Test Object Method
- Add Event Handler
Toolkits developed in earlier UFT One versions
If you load custom toolkit support to UFT that was developed using a Java Add-in Extensibility SDK version earlier than 10.00, your extensibility test object classes are displayed in the wrong list.
- Instead of being listed under the custom name in the Environment list, they are listed directly under the Java environment.
- Additionally, the Generate Script button in the Object Identification dialog box may behave unexpectedly.
The functionality of the test objects from these classes is not affected.
Workaround: Cause UFT One to display the test object classes when the custom toolkit environment is selected
Locate the test object configuration file that belongs to the custom toolkit support set: <UFT_One_installdir>\Dat\Extensibility\Java\<add-in name>TestObjects.xml.
(If working with ALM: <UFT_One_Add-in_for_ALM_installdir>\Dat\Extensibility\Java\<add-in name>TestObjects.xml.)
- In the XML file, locate the PackageName attribute in the TypeInformation element and change its value from JavaPackage to the name of the child add-in.
- If an index identification property is implemented for any test object classes in the toolkit support set, remove this implementation to enable the use of the Generate Scripts button in the Object Identification dialog box.
- Save the file and reopen UFT.
Multilingual support
The UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility SDK is not localized (the Language Pack does not translate them).