Sample configuration XML

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        <Control Type="MyCompany.WinControls.MyListView" MappedTo="SwfListView"> 

<!--  MyListView is mapped to the SwfListView test object -->
<!--  The Custom Server is not installed in the GAC.  --> 


<!--  MyListView runs in the context of the application  --> 
<!--  being tested. --> 


<!--  Support for the CustomMyListView.CustListView control  --> 
<!--  is implemented in a .NET DLL Custom Server.   -->

                                <DllName>C:\MyProducts\Bin\CustomMyList View.dll</DllName> 
                                <DllName>C:\MyProducts\Bin\CustomMyList View.dll</DllName> 
                        <Parameter Name="sample name">sample value</Parameter>

        <Control Type="mySmileyControls.SmileyControl2"> 

<!--  The SmileyControl2 control is not explicitly mapped -->
<!--  to any test object in the SwfConfig.xml file, -->
<!--  so UFT maps it to the default generic test -->
<!--  object, SwfObject.  -->


<!--  Support for the mySmileyControls.SmileyControl2 -->
<!--  control is implemented in an XML file. -->

                        <Parameter Name="ConfigPath">d:\UFT\bin\ConfigSmiley.xml</Parameter>

        <Control Type="System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView" MappedTo="SwfTable">

<!--  DataGridView is mapped to the SwfTable test object  --> 


<!--  Customized record support for the -->
<!--  System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView control -->
<!--  is implemented in a .NET DLL Custom Server called -->
<!--  CustomMyTable.dll, and runs in UFT context. -->


<!--  Customized run support for the -->
<!--  System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView control -->
<!--  is also implemented in the .NET DLL Custom Server -->
<!--  called CustomMyTable.dll. It runs in the context -->
<!--  of the application being tested.  --> 


<!--  Because the customized support includes table -->
<!--  checkpoints, DataGridView must run --> 
<!--  in the context of the application being tested.  --> 


<!--  Table checkpoint support for the -->
<!--  System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView control is --> 
<!--  implemented in a .NET DLL Custom Server called VfySrv.dll. --> 

                        <Parameter Name="sample name">sample value</Parameter>
