UFT Extensibility Agent library 1.3
Project Overview
UFT Extensibility Agent library 1.3
Class ModuleDescription
IActiveScreenSupplierServices to support UFT Active Screen and to support screen captures for test step results.
IHWNDSupplierServices to handle HWNDs.
IRecordableServices to inform the testing agent of recording status.
IRectangleSupplierServices to enable UFT to draw a highlighted rectangle around objects.
IRunTimeObjectSupplierServices to enable UFT to retrieve, display, and access the native properties and methods of a run-time object.
ISpyableServices to support the UFT Spy and the learn functionality.
ITestableServices to support building and running tests. This interface does not support recording.
ITestable2Services to support building and running tests. Extends ITestable to support Smart Identification. This interface does not support recording.
ITestable3Services to support building and running tests. Extends ITestable2 to support adding test-object-related information to the run results. This interface does not support recording.
ITestEventsTest run events passed by UFT to the testing agent.
ITestEvents2Extends ITestEvents with additional test run events passed by UFT to the testing agent.
Public UDTs
Interfaces to be implemented by the Testing Agent.