UFT One WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility SDK Readme

This topic provides information about the UFT One WPF and SilverlightAdd-in Extensibility SDK.

UFT One 2022 and later: Following the discontinuance of the Silverlight development framework, UFT One no longer supports the Silverlight Add-in by default.

If you need to use and extend the Silverlight Add-in, contact OpenText Support.


The UFT One UFT WPF Add-in Extensibility SDK enables you to develop custom support for third-party and custom WPF controls that the WPF Add-in does not support out-of-the-box.

UFT One is backwards compatible, and enables you to run tests and components on custom controls using toolkit support sets developed with QuickTest Professional WPF Add-in Extensibility or earlier versions of UFT WPF Add-in Extensibility.

The SDK installs C# project templates on Microsoft Visual Studio, to assist you in creating WPF Add-in Extensibility projects.

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More information about WPF Add-in Extensibility and details on how to extend UFT GUI testing support for custom WPF controls is available in the UFT WPF Add-in Extensibility SDK documentation set, which includes the following guides:

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  • Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • UFT One with the WPF Add-in installed. Make sure that the UFT One version matches the version of the extensibility package you are using.

Note: UFT One can be installed on the same computer as the SDK, or a different computer.

If you plan to use the same computer, be sure to install the prerequisites before installing the SDK.

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Supported Environments

For a list of the supported versions of software used together with UFT One WPF Add-in Extensibility, see the UFT OneSupport Matrix.

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Installation and deployment

Install the UFT WPF Add-in Extensibility SDK and develop the toolkit support set for your WPF controls on any computer.

After creating custom support, deploy it to UFT One, enabling UFT One to recognize the controls and support the appropriate properties and test object methods.

Note: The UFT One WPF Add-in Extensibility SDK is required only for developing the support.

You do not need to install it on each UFT One computer that users the support.

  1. Ensure that your are logged on to your computer with Administrator privileges.
  2. Close all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio.

  3. Run the UFT One Setup program on the UFT One installation DVD, and click Add-in Extensibility and Web 2.0 Toolkits.
  4. Click the UFT One WPF Add-in Extensibility for VS <version> that matches your Visual Studio version.

  5. Download the Visual Studio extension file and double-click it to install the UFT WPF Add-in Extensibility SDK.

Confirm that the installation was successful

  1. Open the relevant version of Microsoft Visual Studio.

  2. Select File > New > Project to open the New Project dialog box.

  3. Confirm that the UFT WPF Custom Support template is available. Search for UFT or filter by language: C#, platform: Windows, and project type: library.

    Note: In older Visual Studio versions, select the Visual C# > Windows node in the Project types tree and check for the template in the Templates pane.

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The UFT One UFT WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility SDK enables you to develop custom support for third-party and custom WPF or Silverlight controls that the WPF or Silverlight Add-in does not support out-of-the-box.

UFT One is backwards compatible, and enables you to run tests and components on custom controls using toolkit support sets developed with QuickTest Professional WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility or earlier versions of UFT WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility.

The SDK installs C# project templates on Microsoft Visual Studio, to assist you in creating WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility projects.

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More information about WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility and details on how to extend UFT GUI testing support for custom WPF or Silverlight controls is available in the UFT WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility SDK documentation set, which includes the following guides:

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  • Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Microsoft Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio, to develop Silverlight Add-in Extensibility.
  • UFT One with the WPF or Silverlight Add-in installed. Make sure that the UFT One version matches the version of the extensibility package you are using.

Note: UFT One can be installed on the same computer as the SDK, or a different computer.

If you plan to use the same computer, be sure to install the prerequisites before installing the SDK.

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Supported Environments

For a list of the supported versions of software used together with UFT One WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility, see the UFT One Support Matrix.

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Installation and deployment

Install the UFT WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility SDK and develop the toolkit support set for your WPF and Silverlight controls on any computer.

After creating custom support, deploy it to UFT One, enabling UFT One to recognize the controls and support the appropriate properties and test object methods.

Note: The UFT One WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility SDK is required only for developing the support.

You do not need to install it on each UFT One computer that users the support.

  1. Ensure that your are logged on to your computer with Administrator privileges.
  2. Close all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio.

  3. Run the UFT One Setup program on the UFT One installation DVD, and click Add-in Extensibility and Web 2.0 Toolkits.
  4. Click UFT WPF and Silverlight Add-in Extensibility SDK Setup.

  5. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the installation.

Non-English versions of Visual Studio

If you use a non-English edition of Visual Studio, do the following to apply the installed UFT WPF/Silverlight CustomServer project templates to your Visual Studio edition:

  1. Copy the *CustomServer.zip file to the relevant Visual Studio folder:


    Copy the QuickTestWpfCustomServer.zip file from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio <version#>\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Windows\1033 (English language setting folder) to the folder relevant to the language you use.

    For example, use 1036 for French.


    Copy the QuickTestSlvCustomServer.zip file from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio <version#>\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\Silverlight\Windows\1033 (English language setting folder) to the folder relevant to the language you use.

    For example, use 1036 for French.

  2. Open a Visual Studio command prompt (Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio <version#> > Visual Studio Tools > Visual Studio Command Prompt) and run the command:

    devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplatesRun

Confirm that the installation was successful

  1. Open the relevant version of Microsoft Visual Studio.

  2. Select File > New > Project to open the New Project dialog box.

  3. Confirm that the relevant template is available:

    WPFSelect the Visual C# > Windows node in the Project types tree, and confirm that the UFT WPF CustomServer template is displayed in the Templates pane.
    SilverlightSelect the Visual C# > Silverlight node in the Project types tree, and confirm that the UFT Silverlight CustomServer template is displayed in the Templates pane.

    Note: In newer Visual Studio versions, find the template by searching for UFT or filtering by language: C#, platform: Windows, and project type: library.

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