Configure the UFT Developer host computer

When you run a test from ALM you can run it locally, on your computer, or on a host or hosts. The instructions in this section indicate when a step is relevant for both use cases or only when running tests on a host.

In this topic:

ALM prerequisites

  1. Make sure that you have the required ALM permissions

    To run UFT Developer tests from ALM you must have the following permissions:

    Action Permissions
    Run Create; Update
    Run Step Create; Update
    Result Create; Update
    Test Instance Update
  2. Register ALM client in Common mode

    To run business process tests with UFT Developer components, register the ALM client in Common mode on the remote machine.

  3. Continue with UFT Developer prerequisites.

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UFT Developer prerequisites

Perform this procedure for every computer (host) on which you plan to run the UFT Developer tests from ALM.

  1. Make sure that you have UFT Developer installed on each computer on which you plan to run UFT Developer tests from ALM.

    For details, see Installation guide.

  2. Store the .jar or .dll files containing your tests, as well as any other required files, on the host.

    Relative paths

    If the tests in the ALM test plan are defined with a relative path, you can store the tests in any root folder that you choose.

    Make sure that the sub-folder structure of each .jar or .dll file under your root folder matches the corresponding paths specified in ALM.

    Later, in the Remote Agent configuration file, you specify the root folder where your tests are stored.

    Absolute paths

    If the UFT Developer tests in the ALM test plan are defined with an absolute path, make sure you store the tests in the exact paths that are specified.

    You do not have to specify any value for the root folder in the Remote Agent configuration file.

    If your AUT is installed on a different computer than the host, you need to perform additional steps.

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Configure the Remote Agent

Perform this procedure for every computer (host) where you plan to run the tests from ALM.

  1. Set required DCOM permissions (on hosts only, not required for local runs):

    Set the required permissions for the UFT Developer Remote Agent, and open the DCOM port (port 153).

    To set these permissions, run the LFTDcomPermissions.exe utility.

    Note: If UAC is enabled, run the utility by selecting Run as Administrator.

    Make sure the LeanFT Remote Agent process is closed, and then run the following command:

    <UFT_Developer_installdir>\Tools\Remote Agent\LFTDcomPermissions.exe -set.
  2. Open the Remote Agent settings file:


  3. Define the following settings:

    • <remoteAgent allowRun >. To run ALM tests on this computer, set this attribute to true—even if you are running on the ALM local host computer.

    • Framework setting.

      Note for Java users:

      • The <javaAssets> node from older LeanFT versions has been deprecated. Use the <junit> node for JUnit settings and the <testng> node for TestNG settings.
      • <javaAssets> is supported for backward compatibility.
    • <testAssetDir>. The full path of the root directory that contains the test assets.

      Relative paths

      If the JAR Path or DLL Path field values are defined as relative paths in the Test Plan module of your ALM tests, the value you specify for this element is used to resolve the relative paths.

      Absolute path

      If the JAR/DLL paths are defined in ALM with an absolute path (such as C:\...). This value is ignored. Make sure your tests are stored on this computer in the exact location specified in ALM.

      Note: UFT Developer does not enforce any security restrictions when configuring this directory.

  4. Restart the Remote Agent to ensure that the updated settings are uploaded when ALM next runs a test on the computer.

  5. Continue with one of the following:

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Java tests: (Optional) Define the JRE location to use

By default, UFT Developer references the JRE location defined in the registry on the computer where the test runs (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment).

To use another location, create an environment variable (user or system) called JAVA_HOME. Specify the relevant JRE location as the value.

Continue with Set up your tests to store results in ALM.

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Set up your tests to store results in ALM

To store the HTML report containing the test run results in ALM:

  • The report folder values must remain undefined in your test.

    C# In the App.config file of all relevant projects, make sure that under <report>, the <output> element is commented out.
    Java In the file of all relevant projects, in the Report Settings section , make sure the targetDirectory, reportFolder and overrideExisting options are commented out.
  • Make sure that the parallels of these values are not set inside the tests using ReportConfiguration properties.

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Note: When you no longer need to run UFT Developer tests from ALM, revert the DCOM permissions settings (that you set in UFT Developer prerequisites) to the computer defaults.

Use the following command:

<UFT_Developer_installdir>\Tools\Remote Agent\LFTDcomPermissions.exe -reset.

Next steps: