Setting up and working with the JavaScript SDK

This page covers the basics of installing the JavaScript SDK and structuring your JavaScript test.

In this topic:

Install the JavaScript SDK as a Node.js module

Before you can use the UFT Developer JavaScript SDK that was installed with UFT Developer, you must install it as a Node.js module.

  1. If a proxy server is used in your organization, you must configure the npm proxy (contact your administrator if needed).

    From a command line, run the following command:

    • For http:

      > npm config set proxy http://<Your Proxy server address or IP>:<Proxy server port>

    • For https:

      > npm config set https-proxy http://<Your Proxy server address or IP>:<Proxy server port>

    For more information, see the npm documentation.

  2. Create a folder for your testing project in which you will save all your JavaScript tests.

  3. If you are working with the Jasmine or Mocha frameworks, use the relevant npm install command to install the framework.

    After installing Jasmine: Initialize your testing project.

    In a command line, change to the directory you created for your test project, and run the following command to create the spec directory and configuration json:

    > jasmine init

  4. Install the UFT Developer JavaScript SDK in your testing project folder:

    1. Publish the UFT Developer node.js modules to your organization's npm repository by running the following command:

      npm publish <file path to a gzipped tar> --registry=<npm repository address>

      Run this command for each tar file.

      The tar files are located in:

      Windows <UFT_Developer_installdir>\SDK\JavaScript\
      Linux/Mac <UFT_Developer_installdir>/sdk/JavaScript/
    2. Install the node.js modules for each testing project by running the following command in the project folder:

      npm install leanft --save

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Structure your JavaScript test

To create a JavaScript test:

  1. Copy the following template.

    Tip: The elements of the template are described in the table below.


    • You can write your test in any IDE that supports JavaScript, or in any other text editor.
    • This template uses BDD style.
    • This template can be used both for Jasmine and Mocha. Note the inline comments, however, regarding the difference for each.
    var LFT = require("leanft");
    var SDK = LFT.SDK;
    var Web = LFT.Web;
    var expect = require("leanft/expect");
    var whenDone = LFT.whenDone;
    describe("My Site",function(){
           // set the default Jasmine time out (if not using Jasmine: remove this line)
    	jasmine : jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000;
    	// set the default Mocha time out (if not using Mocha: remove this line)
    //mocha: this.timeout(30 * 1000);
    var browser; // For Jasmine, use beforeAll(); for Mocha, use before() beforeAll(function(done){
    			browser = launchedBrowser;
    	it("Should describe the purpose of your test case",function(done){
    		//Navigate to the web site you want to test
    		//Add steps here
    			id: "TabletsImg"
    		//gets the list of results
    var firstProduct = browser.$(Web.Element({ tagName: "LI", innerText: /.*HP ElitePad 1000 G2.*/ })); //gets the price
    var priceElement = firstProduct.$(Web.Element({ tagName: "a", className: /.*productPrice.*/ })); expect(priceElement.innerText()).toEqual("$1,009.00 "); whenDone(done); }); afterEach(function(done){ LFT.afterTest(); if(browser){ browser.close(); } whenDone(done); }); afterAll(function(done){ LFT.cleanup(); whenDone(done); }); });


    Element Description

    Variables that define the required UFT Developer modules to include and simplified names for the SDK technologies you need to reference.

    • leanft/expect. Provides customized validation functionality. For details, see Validate values below.
    • LFT.whendone. Waits for the UFT Developer runtime engine to finish the commands is has received before calling (done). For more details, see Synchronize steps and tests .
    Timeout interval

    Must be defined at the head of every test.

    • Jasmine: jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 120000;
    • Mocha: //this.timeout(20*1000);

    This step starts the UFT Developer runtime engine and enables the creation of the HTML run report. It must run before each test.

    Use this step to configure the runtime engine address and HTML run report details. For details, see Configure the runtime engine and HTML report.

    browser (parent object) setup
    • The browser variable is defined with global scope at the test fixture level.

    • The Web.Browser.launch step is defined in the beforeEach section, and closed in the afterEach section, so that a clean browser is launched for each test case.

      If you want to launch browsers with different properties in different test cases, you can launch the browser within the test case.

      You can also use Web.Browser.attach steps inside your test case to perform steps on new browsers or tabs opened during the test.

      The launched browser is returned to the launchedbrowser variable when the step's promise is fulfilled. Only then, the browser variable is set. For more details, see JavaScript: Synchronization, promises, and error handling.

      Note: The template provided on this page is for a Web application.

      For a mobile application, use the same logic. But instead of launching a browser, use one of the lock device methods available for the LFT.Mobile.MobileLab object.

    it The test case section. You can have as many test cases as required in your JavaScript file. This section often starts with navigating to your AUT, followed by the required test steps.
    afterEach Runs after each test case. It closes the browser, clears the SDK initialization, and synchronizes the final done with the UFT Developer runtime engine.
  2. Save the file:


    Save the file in the spec subfolder under the testing project folder that you created when setting up the JavaScript SDK.

    Use the following format:


    In the testing project folder that you created when setting up the JavaScript SDK, create a subfolder called test.

    Save the file in the test folder.

  3. Create test object descriptions. See Describe JavaScript test objects below.

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Describe JavaScript test objects

To create steps that perform operations on your application, you need to uniquely describe a test object in your application, and you need to specify a method or property that is supported for that test object type.

For details on the available test object types and supported operations, see the JavaScript SDK Reference.

See also:

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Find child objects

You can use the .$$ notation to find all child objects of an object in your application, or all child objects that match a specified filter.  

To get all child objects:


To get all child objects of a specified type:


To get all child objects that match the specified filter:

TestObject.$$(Technology.Type{prop1:value1, prop2:value2}).then........

For example:

browser.$$(Web.Link{innerText: /.*buy.*/}).then(function(links){
    //do something with the returned links

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Validate values

You can use the assert and expect functions supported by your testing framework to validate expected values. This information is included in the run results in the HTML report.

In addition, UFT Developer provides customized expect and verify functions.

  • The UFT Developer expect function differs from Jasmine's in that you can use a catch-then callback to avoid a false expectation from failing the test.

  • The UFT Developer verify function compares the actual value against the expected value, and returns a Boolean response.

  • The UFT Developer expect/verify functions support the following matchers, including negative (.not) assertions:

    toBe toEqual. toNotEqual toBeNull
    toBeCloseTo(value, NumOfDecimalDigits) toBeFalsey, toBeFalsy toBeTruthy
    toContain toBeGreaterThan, toBeLessThan toBeUndefined
    toBeDefined toMatch  

    The syntax for these matchers is the same as the Jasmine syntax.

For example:

it("should provide search results in auto-complete after user types a query",function(done){
	//Navigate to the web site under test.
	//Open the search widget.
	browser.$({id: "search_widget"}).click();
	//Type in the search.
	browser.$(Web.Edit({name: "abc"})).setValue("xyz");
	//Verify that the results appear on the screen.var results = browser.$(".js_results");

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Run your test

  1. Manually start the UFT Developer runtime engine.

  2. In a command line, change to the directory you created for your test project, and run:


    > jasmine


    Windows: > mocha --reporter=.\node_modules\\mocha\mochaReporter.js

    Linux/Mac: > mocha --reporter=./node_modules/

    After the run completes, you can open the generated HTML run report. The report is created in the RunResults folder under your testing project folder. For details on customizing your report, see JavaScript: Configure the runtime engine and HTML report.

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JavaScript limitations

The following UFT Developer features are not supported when working with the JavaScript SDK:

  • Application models
  • ALM/BPT integration

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See also: