AI-based testing code samples (JavaScript SDK)

This topic shows code samples for using AI-based testing in UFT Developer JavaScript tests:

Create a shopping account and place an order

This example shows how to create an account, log in, place an order, and make sure it is registered:

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var LFT = require("leanft");
var SDK = LFT.SDK;
var Web = LFT.Web;
var AI = LFT.AI;
var expect = require("leanft/expect");
var verify = require("leanft/verify");
var whenDone = LFT.whenDone;

describe("Test", function() {
    jasmine : jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 100 * 1000;
    //mocha: this.timeout(30 * 1000);

    // For Jasmine, use beforeAll(); for Mocha, use before()
    beforeEach(function(done) {

    it("Create account", function(done) {
        // Open web browser
        Web.Browser.launch(Web.BrowserType.Chrome).then(function (browser) {
            // Navigate to website
            // Open sign in form
                aiClass: AI.AiTypes.profile
            // Wait for sign in form to load (necessary if the website UI loads slowly)
            setTimeout(function () {
                // Navigate to account creation form
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.text_block,
                    text: "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT"

                // Enter account details in account creation form
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "ACCOUNT DETAILS"
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "Email"
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "Password"
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "Confirm password"
                // Enable scrolling down so AI can find remaining test objects that are not currently visible
                AI.RunSettings.autoScroll.enable({"direction": "down", "maxScrolls": 10});
                // Accept terms and finish creating account
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.check_box,
                    text: "agree ti LN"
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.button,
                    text: "REGISTER"
            }, 10000);
    it("Sign in and order", function(done) {
        // Open web browser
        Web.Browser.launch(Web.BrowserType.Chrome).then(function (browser) {
            // Navigate to website
            // Open sign in form
                aiClass: AI.AiTypes.profile
            // Wait for sign in form to load (necessary if the website UI loads slowly)
            setTimeout(function () {
                // Enter credentials and sign in
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "Username",
                    locator: {direction: "fromTop", index: 0}
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "Password"
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.button,
                    text: "SIGN IN"
                // Navigate to product page
                // Add item to cart
                    locator: {direction: "fromTop", index: 0}
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.button,
                    text: "ADD TO CART"

                // Navigate to shopping cart
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.shopping_cart

                // Initiate checkout
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.button,
                    text: "CHECKOUT (S1,079.96)",
                    locator: {direction: "fromBottom", index: 0}
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.button,
                    text: "NEXT"

                // Enter details
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "SafePay username"
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                    text: "SafePay password"

                // Enable scrolling down so AI can find remaining test objects that are not currently visible
                AI.RunSettings.autoScroll.enable({"direction": "down", "maxScrolls": 10});
                // Finish order
                    aiClass: AI.AiTypes.button,
                    text: "PAY NOW"

                // Verify order registered
                LFT.Reporter.startReportingContextWithInfo("Verify property: exists", {contextMode: LFT.Reporter.ReportContextMode.Verification});
                        aiClass: AI.AiTypes.text_block,
                        text: "Thank you for buying with Advantage"
            }, 10000);
    it("AI Run Settings", function(done) {
        // Open web browser
        Web.Browser.launch(Web.BrowserType.Chrome).then(function (browser) {
            // Navigate to website
            // Jump to link in lower part of page
            var completeListLink = browser.$(Web.Link({
                tagName: "A",
                innerText: "Complete list"
            // Configure autoscroll settings to enable scrolling up
            AI.RunSettings.autoScroll.enable({"direction": "up", "maxScrolls": 10});

            // Configure OCR settings to enable detection for English, German, French, Hebrew and Traditional Chinese
            AI.RunSettings.OCR.set({"languages": ["en,de,fr,he,zht"]});
            // Navigate to French Wikipedia section
                aiClass: AI.AiTypes.text_block,
                text: "Français"
            // Jump to text in lower part of page
            var webElement = browser.$(Web.Element({
                tagName: "DIV",
                innerText: "Wikipédia est hébergée par la Wikimedia Foundation, de même que les projets suivants, coordonnés sur le site Méta-Wiki :"

            // Verify text block containing French text exists
            LFT.Reporter.startReportingContextWithInfo("Verify property: exists", {contextMode: LFT.Reporter.ReportContextMode.Verification});
                aiClass: AI.AiTypes.text_block,
                text: "Wikipédia est hébergée par la Wikimedia Foundation, de même que les projets suivants, coordonnés sur le site Méta-Wiki :"


    afterEach(function(done) {

    afterAll(function(done) {

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Retrieve the values of AI objects

Supported in UFT Developer 2021 R1 and later

This example shows how to retrieve the value of an input field:

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var LFT = require("leanft");
var AI = LFT.AI;
var Web = LFT.Web;
var Reporter = LFT.Reporter;
var expect = require("leanft/expect");


var browserName = "Chrome";
var browser;
var aiInput;

describe("AI Tests", function () {

    beforeAll(function (done) {




    beforeEach(function (done) {

        Web.Browser.launch(Web.BrowserType[browserName]).then(function (launched_browser) {
            browser = launched_browser;

            aiInput = browser.$(AI.AiObject({
                aiClass: AI.AiTypes.input,
                locator: {
                    direction: "fromRight",
                    index: 0





    fit("INPUT getValue", function (done) {

        aiInput.sendKeys("Hello world!").then(function () {
            aiInput.getValue().then(function (text) {
                console.log("text: " + text);
                expect(text).toEqual("Hello world!");



    afterEach(function (done) {

        if (browser) {
            browser.exists(2).then(function (result) {
                if (result)




    afterAll(function (done) {




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Register a custom class

Supported in UFT Developer 24.2 and later

This example shows a code snippet that registers a custom class:

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AI.AiUtil.customClass.register("<custom class name>", "<path to image.png>").then(() =>{


          aiClass: "<custom class name>"


To unregister the custom class: AI.AiUtil.customClass.unregister("<custom class name>");

To unregister all custom classes: AI.AiUtil.customClass.unregisterAll();

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See also: