PowerBuilder code samples (JavaScript SDK)
In this topic:
Select a Tab from a TabControl
This example selects a tab on an application and verifies that the correct tab was selected.var LFT = require("leanft"); var SDK = LFT.SDK; var expect = require("leanft/expect"); var whenDone = LFT.whenDone; var Desktop = LFT.Desktop; var PowerBuilder = LFT.PowerBuilder; var assert = require('assert'); jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 120000; describe("My Site",function(){ beforeEach(function(done){ SDK.init(); whenDone(done); }); it("Test TabControl",function(done){ //Create a description for main AUT window. //Set the correct properties in order to identify the window uniquely var wndMainWindow = Desktop.$(PowerBuilder.Window({ nativeClass: "FNWND3126", objectName: "wnd_main", windowTitleRegExp: "Main window12.0" })); //Create a description for the second window from the hierarchy. //Set the correct properties in order to identify the window uniquely var wTabRunWindow = wndMainWindow.$(PowerBuilder.Window({ nativeClass: "FNWND3126", objectName: "w_tab_run", windowTitleRegExp: "Example of Tab" })); //Create a description for the TabControl. //Set the correct properties in order to identify the TabControl uniquely var tab1TabControl = wTabRunWindow.$(PowerBuilder.TabControl({ nativeClass: "PBTabControl32_100", objectName: "tab_1" })); //Use the Select method and pass the name of the tab, exactly as it is in the AUT. tab1TabControl.select("Tab 3 "); //Verify whether the selection was made by checking the SelectedTab property. tab1TabControl.selectedTab().then(function(tab){ tab.text().then(function(result){ assert.deepEqual("Tab 3 ", result); }); }); whenDone(done); }); afterEach(function(done){ SDK.cleanup(); whenDone(done); }); });
Set an item in a combo box
This example sets an item in a combo box nested in a Table control, and verifies the Color property of the table.var LFT = require("leanft"); var SDK = LFT.SDK; var expect = require("leanft/expect"); var whenDone = LFT.whenDone; var Desktop = LFT.Desktop; var PowerBuilder = LFT.PowerBuilder; var assert = require('assert'); jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 120000; describe("My Site",function(){ beforeEach(function(done){ SDK.init(); whenDone(done); }); it("Test Table",function(done){ //Create a description for main AUT window. //Set the correct properties in order to identify the window uniquely var wndMainWindow = Desktop.$(PowerBuilder.Window({ nativeClass: "FNWND3126", objectName: "wnd_main", windowTitleRegExp: "Main window12.0" })); //Create a description for the second window from the hierarchy. //Set the correct properties in order to identify the window uniquely var wGridWindow = wndMainWindow.$(PowerBuilder.Window({ nativeClass: "FNWND3126", objectName: "w_grid", windowTitleRegExp: "Field Grid ver 4.1" })); //Create a description for the Table. //Set the correct properties in order to identify the Table uniquely var dw1Table = wGridWindow.$(PowerBuilder.Table({ nativeClass: "pbdw126", objectName: "dw_1" })); //In the table, select the row and then the cell that contains the combo box. //Use SetValue method to set the item in a combo box dw1Table.cells(0, 15).setValue("Bond, Charles F."); //Use the GetTableProperty method to retrieve power builder properties //Pass the property that you want to retrieve. //For a full list of what you can retrieve, see: //http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/topic/com.sybase.infocenter.dc37783.1252/html/dwref/CCJBHCCF.htm dw1Table.getTableProperty("DataWindow.Color").then(function(result){ //Verify that the color has the correct value. assert.deepEqual("16711611", result); }); whenDone(done); }); afterEach(function(done){ SDK.cleanup(); whenDone(done); }); });
See also: