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new TabStripTO()
A tab strip object in a mobile application. (iOS only)
Returns the object display name defined in the Application Model.
$(description) → {*}
Creates a child test object of this test object.
This operation does not cause OpenText Functional Testing for Developers to search for the object in the AUT. OpenText Functional Testing for Developers interacts with the application only when a step runs that performs an operation on the AUT object.
Name | Type | Description |
description | Description | The description of the test object. Can be a full test object description or a string. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as a CSS selector with a default test object type of WebElement. |
the new child test object with the provided description.
- *
$$(description, dontFilterByTypeopt ) → {Promise.<Array.<TestObject>>}
Returns all child objects of this object that match the supplied test object description.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
description | | | | A description object that defines the test object type and the set of properties and values that should be common to all objects that are returned. |
dontFilterByType | boolean |
| Set this parameter to true to avoid limiting the returned objects to a specific test object type. |
a promise that is fulfilled with an array of test objects that match the supplied description.
- Promise.<Array.<TestObject>>
accessibilityId() → {Promise.<string>}
The accessibility ID of the mobile object.
a promise that is fulfilled with the accessibility ID of the mobile object.
- Promise.<string>
className() → {Promise.<string>}
The test object class name used by Digital Lab.
a promise that is fulfilled with the test object class name used by Digital Lab.
- Promise.<string>
container() → {Promise.<string>}
Information about the table container, if the object is in a table. (iOS only)
a promise that is fulfilled with the information about the table container, if the object is in a table. (iOS only)
- Promise.<string>
description() → {*}
Returns the description for this test object. The test object must be obtained using the $ method, otherwise, this method returns null.
the description for this test object.
- *
exists(timeoutopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks whether this object exists in the AUT.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
timeout | number |
| The time (in seconds) to wait for this object before returning a result of true or false. By default, uses the object synchronization timeout defined in the runtime engine settings. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean indicating whether the object exists.
- Promise.<boolean>
getTextLocations(text, rectangleopt ) → {Promise.<Object>}
Returns all rectangular areas containing the specified text within this object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
text | string | | The text to search for in the test object. |
rectangle | Object |
| The rectangular area in the test object to search for the text. |
a promise that is fulfilled with an array of rectangles containing all rectangular areas containing the specified text within this object.
- Promise.<Object>
getVisibleText(rectangleopt ) → {Promise.<string>}
Returns all visible text from this object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
rectangle | Object |
| The rectangular area in the test object to return the text from. |
a promise that is fulfilled with all the visible text from this object.
- Promise.<string>
highlight() → {Promise.<void>}
Highlights this object in the AUT.
Remark: This may be useful when debugging a test.
a promise that is fulfilled when the highlighting operation ends.
- Promise.<void>
highlightMatches(description, dontFilterByTypeopt ) → {Promise.<number>}
Highlights all children that match the supplied test object description.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
description | | | | A description object that defines the test object type and the set of properties and values that should be common to all objects that are highlighted. |
dontFilterByType | boolean |
| Set this parameter to true to avoid limiting the highlighted objects to a specific test object type. |
a promise that is fulfilled with the number of matches that are found and highlighted.
- Promise.<number>
hint() → {Promise.<string>}
Instruction or example indicating the type of content to enter for the value of a control,
for example, a grayed out hint inside a text box.
a promise that is fulfilled with the hint of the mobile object.
- Promise.<string>
isCheckable() → {Promise.<boolean>}
Indicates whether the mobile object can be checked.
a promise that is fulfilled with an indication of whether the mobile object can be checked.
- Promise.<boolean>
isChecked() → {Promise.<boolean>}
Indicates whether the mobile object is checked. (Relevant for objects that can have a check mark.)
a promise that is fulfilled with an indication of whether the mobile object is checked.
- Promise.<boolean>
isClickable() → {Promise.<boolean>}
Indicates whether the object can be tapped.
a promise that is fulfilled with an indication of whether the object can be tapped.
- Promise.<boolean>
isEnabled() → {Promise.<boolean>}
Indicates whether the mobile object is enabled.
a promise that is fulfilled with an indication of whether the mobile object is enabled.
- Promise.<boolean>
isFocusable() → {Promise.<boolean>}
Indicates whether the object can receive focus.
a promise that is fulfilled with an indication of whether the object can receive focus.
- Promise.<boolean>
isFocused() → {Promise.<boolean>}
Indicates whether the mobile object is in focus.
a promise that is fulfilled with an indication of whether the mobile object is in focus.
- Promise.<boolean>
location() → {Promise.<Point>}
The location of the mobile object, format: {x: 0, y: 0}
a promise that is fulfilled with the location of the mobile object.
- Promise.<Point>
longPress(longPressArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Taps and holds the object for a short time.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
longPressArgs | Object |
| Arguments object that defines the behavior of the longPress operation.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
duration | number |
| The number of seconds to continue pressing (iOS only). | numberOfTouchPoints | number |
| The number of points to tap, similar to the number of fingers you would use for the gesture on a real device. (iOS only) | location | Location |
| | The location where the operation is performed. | gesture | string |
| The gesture class designed by the mobile application developer to handle this gesture on this object. (iOS only) |
a promise that is fulfilled after long-pressing the center of the object or the specific location defined by the user.
- Promise.<void>
nativeClass() → {Promise.<string>}
The native class of the mobile object.
a promise that is fulfilled with the native class of the mobile object.
- Promise.<string>
panByLocations(start, end) → {Promise.<void>}
Performs a pan gesture on the object, by location.
Name | Type | Description |
start | Location | The location at which to start the pan gesture. |
end | Location | The location at which to end the pan gesture. |
a promise that is fulfilled after the pan operation has occurred.
- Promise.<void>
panByPoints(start, end, panArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Performs a pan gesture on the object, using points.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
start | Point | | The point at which to start the pan gesture. |
end | Point | | The point at which to end the pan gesture. |
panArgs | Object |
| Arguments object that defines the behavior of the pan operation:
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
velocity | number |
| | The speed at which to perform the pan operation. (iOS Only) | gesture | string |
| The gesture class designed by the mobile application developer to handle this gesture on this object. |
a promise that is fulfilled after the pan operation has occurred.
- Promise.<void>
parent() → {*}
Returns the parent test object of this test object. The child object must be obtained using the $ method, otherwise, this method returns null.
the parent test object of this test object.
- *
pinch(scale, pinchArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Performs a pinch gesture on the object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
scale | number | | The scale for the pinch gesture. This number is the ratio between the start distance and the end distance between the two touch points used for the pinch.
For example, if you were to touch a screen with your fingers 6 cm apart, and pinch until your fingers were 3 cm apart, the scale would be 0.5. |
pinchArgs | |
| Arguments object that defines the behavior of the pinch operation.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
velocity | number |
| | The speed at which to perform the pinch operation. | location | Location |
| | The location at which to perform operation. | gesture | string |
| The gesture class designed by the mobile application developer to handle this gesture on this object. (iOS only) |
a promise that is fulfilled after the pinch has occurred.
- Promise.<void>
resourceId() → {Promise.<string>}
The resource ID of the object. (Android only)
a promise that is fulfilled with the resource ID of the object. (Android only)
- Promise.<string>
select(state) → {Promise.<void>}
Selects the specified tab by index or by name (iOS only).
Name | Type | Description |
state | string
number | The 0-based index of the tab to select or the name of the tab to select. |
a promise that is fulfilled after the requested tab is selected.
- Promise.<void>
size() → {Promise.<Size>}
The size of the mobile object, format: {width: 0, height: 0}
a promise that is fulfilled with the size of the mobile object.
- Promise.<Size>
snapshot(optionsopt ) → {Promise.<string>}
Captures and returns a Base64 representation of this test object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
options | Object |
| An options object that defines the image capture preferences.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
format | string |
| The format of the image. Possible values: png, bmp. |
a promise that is fulfilled with the Base64 string of the test object's image.
- Promise.<string>
swipe(swipeDirection, swipeArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Swipes the object in the specified direction.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
swipeDirection | SwipeDirection | | The direction of the swipe. |
swipeArgs | object |
| Arguments object that defines the behavior of the swipe operation, format:
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
location | Location |
| | The location where the operation is performed. | gesture | string |
| The gesture class designed by the mobile application developer to handle this gesture on this object. (iOS only) |
a promise that is fulfilled after the swipe has occurred.
- Promise.<void>
tap(tapArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Taps the center of the object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
tapArgs | Object |
| Arguments object that defines the behavior of the tap operation.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
numberOfTaps | number |
| The number of times to tap the object (iOS only). | location | Location |
| | The location where the operation is performed. | numberOfTouchPoints | number |
| The number of points to tap, similar to the number of fingers you would use for the gesture on a real device. (iOS only) | gesture | string |
| The gesture class designed by the mobile application developer to handle this gesture on this object. (iOS only) |
a promise that is fulfilled after tapping the center of the object or the specific location defined by the user.
- Promise.<void>
text() → {Promise.<string>}
The text of the mobile object.
a promise that is fulfilled with the text of the mobile object.
- Promise.<string>
verifyImageExists(imageToFind, similarityopt ) → {Promise.<Object>}
Checks whether a snapshot of this object contains the supplied image.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
imageToFind | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image to look for within the test object's snapshot. |
similarity | number |
| The minimum similarity between the two images (as a percentage), above which the find is considered a match. Default = 100. |
a promise that is fulfilled with an object representing the point where the image was located, or null if it was not found.
- Promise.<Object>
verifyImageMatch(expectedImage, pixelToleranceopt , rgbToleranceopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks whether a snapshot of this object and the supplied image are a match.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
expectedImage | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image to compare to the test object snapshot. |
pixelTolerance | number |
| The percentage of pixels that can differ between the two images, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
rgbTolerance | number |
| The percentage by which the RGB values of the pixels in the two images can differ, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean representing the comparison result.
- Promise.<boolean>
verifyImageMatchWithMask(expectedImage, maskAreaImage, pixelToleranceopt , rgbToleranceopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks whether a snapshot of this object and the supplied image are a match.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
expectedImage | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image to compare to the test object snapshot. |
maskAreaImage | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image mask area to use in the image comparison. |
pixelTolerance | number |
| The percentage of pixels that can differ between the two images, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
rgbTolerance | number |
| The percentage by which the RGB values of the pixels in the two images can differ, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean representing the comparison result.
- Promise.<boolean>
waitUntilEnabled(timeoutopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Waits until the test object becomes enabled or the timeout elapses.
This method is useful for synchronizing your test with your application.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
timeout | number |
| The length of time to wait (in milliseconds) for the test object to become enabled. |
a promise fulfilled with true if test object becomes enabled before the timeout is reached; otherwise, false.
- Promise.<boolean>
waitUntilExists(timeoutopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Waits until this test object exists or until the specified timeout elapses.
This method is useful for synchronizing your test with your application.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
timeout | number |
| The time (in seconds) to wait for this object to exist. By default, uses the object synchronization timeout defined in the runtime engine settings. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean indicating whether the object exists.
- Promise.<boolean>
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