
When creating your projects, you add users to spaces and workspaces. This topic describes how to manage users in spaces and workspaces.

User management permissions

As an admin, you can manage users by adding, editing, or deleting users. You can define users on the following levels:

  • At the space level by the space admin.

  • At the workspace level by the workspace admin.

When adding or modifying users, you must define the user's workspace.

This following table provides an overview of user-related tasks and who can perform them.

Action Space admin
Workspace admin
Add users to the current context (site, space, or workspace). For details, see Add and delete users.
Add users to the current context (site, space, or workspace) using the REST API. For details, see POST: Create a user.
Add existing users from the space into the workspace. For details, see Add existing users to a workspace.
Remove roles from a workspace user. For details, see Assign and unassign roles.

Assign additional roles to users. For details, see Roles and permissions.

Activate and deactivate users. For details, see Activate or deactivate a user.

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View users

You can show all of the users by their roles and workspaces in the User grid view. You can also see all admin actions performed on workspace users, via the History tab.

To view the existing users and their roles:

  1. Open the Settings menu and select Spaces.

  2. In the side pane, select a space or workspace.

  3. Select the Users tab.

    Tip: You can filter the list of users by role, workspace, and other fields, by clicking the Filter button .

  4. Add or edit users, depending on your role.

    Note: Most roles can be customized. Roles and their permissions might be different for your organization.

  5. (Optional) Configure which details to show when you hover over a user's avatar. By default, when you hover over a user's avatar, only the email address and chat button are displayed.

    • To modify which contact details to display, add any of the following values to the USER_DETAILS_BOX_OPTIONS parameter: email, phone, chat, teams, team_leaders. Use commas to separate between values. For example, to display to only display the email address and phone number, enter email,phone. For details, see Configuration parameters.

    • To turn off contact details display, set the USER_DETAILS_BOX_ENABLED site parameter to false.

  6. To view workspace user history:

    1. In the Spaces area, choose a workspace in the tree hierarchy.

    2. In the Users tab, select a user. Click the user ID or choose View Details,

    3. Go to the History tab. The tab shows a history of user administration actions of a workspace user, such as CUD actions, deactivation, and role assignments.

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Add and delete users

This section shows you how to add users to your spaces and workspaces and how to remove them.

Add users

  1. Open the Settings menu , select Spaces, and select a space or workspace.

  2. Go to the Users tab and click the Add user button +.

  3. Enter the user information.

    • If you specify a Login name, the user enters this name to log in. If no login name is specified, the email address is used.

    • Across all workspaces and spaces, login names and emails must be unique.

  4. Assign a License type from the list of available license types. For details, see Assign licenses.

  5. Assign roles to users.

    • Space admins assign roles to the user by workspace.

    • Admins for a workspace can only assign roles to the user for that workspace.

    For details, see Roles and permissions.

  6. Click Add.

  7. If you are a site admin, in the Site area, you can assign a user to be a site admin. Click the user's ID and change the Site admin value to Yes.

  8. To modify an existing user's details, open a user in the Users grid and edit the details.

    You can edit your own user details in the same way. You cannot change your own Login name, but another admin can change it for you.

Delete users

Deleting a user removes the user from OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform.

A space admin can deactivate users temporarily, but cannot delete them. When a user is deactivated, the user no longer consumes a license. This is especially relevant for the Named License type. For details, see Activate or deactivate a user.

To permanently delete a user, the space admin must open a support ticket to SaaS requesting that the user be deleted.

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Add existing users to a workspace

You can add existing space users to a workspace.

To add existing users to a workspace:

  1. In Settings > Spaces, select a workspace from the tree in the side pane.

  2. On the Users tab, click the Include space users button .

  3. Select the users to include.

  4. Click Add.

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Assign licenses

As a space admin, you assign license types to users. The user's license type determines which functionality is available to the user.

You can assign a license type when creating a new user, or change license type assignments from the Users grid.

To update license type assignments:

  1. In the Users tab, select one or more users, and click Assign license.

  2. Select a license type from the list of your available licenses. For details, see Licenses.

    Caution: Do not choose the Core or Developer license type.

    If the number of available named licenses of the selected license type is fewer than the number of users that you selected, none of the selected users will be assigned the license type. Select users up to the number of available named licenses.

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Activate or deactivate a user

Activating and deactivating a user controls whether that user can access OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform and how others interact with that user.

Activate a user The user can log in.
Deactivate a user
  • The user cannot log in if they are not activated in at least one workspace.

  • Others cannot assign items to a deactivated user.
  • System emails cannot be sent to a deactivated user.

Deactivated users still exist. In addition, references to these users are retained.

We recommend that before you deactivate a user, check which items are assigned to the user and update them as necessary.

Note: When a user is deactivated, it does not consume a license. This is especially relevant for the Named License type.

If you reactivate a user, all existing settings for the user are restored.

The Deactivated column in the grid shows which users have been deactivated.

Icon Details
Deactivated icon

The user is deactivated.

The user can be activated from the current space or workspace.

Deactivated at site level icon

The user is deactivated at the space or site level.

The user can be activated from the site, or from the space in which it was originally deactivated.

To activate or deactivate a user:

  1. Open the Settings menu , click Spaces, and select a workspace.

  2. Go to the Users tab.

  3. In the Users grid, right-click one or more users, and choose either Activate or Deactivate.

    The Activate option is available on the level in which a user was deactivated. For example, if a user was deactivated at the space level, the user cannot be activated at the workspace level.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

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Map users to SCM users

For analysis of SCM commits, identify which users perform the commits and map each user to their SCM user. This enables you to analyze the commit information with tools such as widgets and filters.

If you set up an integration with a CI server that works with a source control management (SCM) system, changes committed to the SCM system are tracked. For details, see Track commits to your SCM system.

If the email address defined for a user is identical to the one defined for an SCM user, the users are mapped automatically when changes they commit are discovered.

Make sure that your SCM system is configured to share commit authors with your CI server. For example, in the Jenkins GIT plugin, set the option User commit author in changelog.

Otherwise, map the users manually.

Users can also map themselves to unmapped SCM users listed in the Commits tab. This does not require admin permissions. For details, see Use the Commits tab to track committed changes.

To map a user to an SCM user:

  1. In Settings > Spaces, select the space.

  2. In the Users tab, click in the SCM users cell of a specific user.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select from the list of SCM users known from previous commits.

    • Click Add New to add an SCM user. Provide the SCM user's username and email address for identification.

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See also: