Errors and status codes

All supported status codes follow the HTTP/1.1 protocol. 

Limitations: In some cases, REST API error messages are displayed in English even if OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform has been localized for a specific language.

All status codes

The following table lists the supported status codes.






  • The request has succeeded



  • The request was fulfilled

  • A new resource was created


Bad Request

  • The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax

  • The client is expected to perform changes in the request before re-sending

  • During a PUT or POST, additional logic restricting the field values you can set was not met. In these cases, a platform error code such as illegal_field_value is displayed with error code 400.



  • The request requires user authentication



  • The server understood the request

  • The server refuses to fulfill it


Not Found

  • The server has not found a resource matching the request URI


Method Not Allowed

  • The request method is not allowed for the resource matching the request URI


Not Acceptable

  • The resource cannot be generated according to the Accept field header provided in the request


Request Timeout

  • HTTP protocol timeout occurred while processing the request. Handled by the servlet container



  • The request was partially fulfilled or completely failed because of a conflict in the request

    If a request was partially fulfilled, and more than one entity ended in error, an index (entity_index) is returned. entity_index indicates the index of the entity in the request "data" array to which the error refers. The index starts from 0, not 1.

  • Tests: A lock prevented the ability to created a revision to a test script


Unsupported Media Type

  • The server understood the request

  • The request format is not supported for the request method by the resource matching the request URI


Internal Server Error

  • The server has encountered a condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request


Not Implemented

  • The server does not recognize the request method

  • The server is not capable of supporting the request method for any resource

503 Service Unavailable
  • The server is currently unable to handle the request due to maintenance of the server


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Logs and correlation IDs

If an error occurs while processing a request, the details are sent to the logs, with the correlation IDs. Provide the correlation IDs when contacting customer support.

{"error_code":"platform.general_error","correlation_id":"dn2wp6xe9qvgmsv8lvelp74r1","description":"General error occurred","description_translated":"General error occurred","properties":null}

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Business error property

A business_error value might be included in the response if an error of a business nature occurs, such as a duplicate name or an entity failing rule validation.

The following code shows an example of a returned business error:


"error_code": "platform.duplicate_entity_error",

"correlation_id": "yevz2e7v003q4f3g41wqp8qr1",

"description": "A release with this Name already exists.",

"business_error": true



  • error_code. The error code value to be used when contacting support to provide more context for root cause of error.
  • correlation_id. A unique ID of the operation in which error occurred, to be used when contacting support to give context to the error. This value can be used to track down all server log entries which were logged during same operation.
  • description. A short description of the error.
  • business_error. A boolean value.

    • true indicates bad user input. If true is returned, check that you are using the API correctly.
    • false indicates an unexpected state of the system, such as losing the connection to a database. If false is returned, you most likely will need to contact the system administrator and report the problem.

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