GET: See users' data access levels

The GET operation can be used to see if users have data access restrictions, and what the restrictions are.

Editions: Available in the Enterprise edition only.


After setting up data access control for the shared space, you can use the REST API to see which workspace users have data access restrictions and what the restrictions are.

Data access restrictions are role-based.

Listing data access restrictions for users with multiple roles

If a user has multiple roles, the REST API shows the union of all the user's restrictions.

Example: Let's look at Josephine DiMaggio, who is both a tester and a team member in a workspace: 

Role Data Access Restrictions
Tester MediumClearance
Team member LowClearance

If we GET Josephine's data access, both MediumClearance and LowClearance are returned.

If a user has multiple roles and one of these roles does not have any data access restrictions, the REST API shows that the user does not have any data access restrictions.

Example: Let's look at Andrew Wiggins, who is both a leader and a team member in a workspace. Leaders do not have any data access restrictions. Team members do. Since Andrew is a leader in this workspace, he is unrestricted.

Role Data Access Restrictions
Leader <Data access restriction is inactive for leaders.>
Team member LowClearance

If we GET Andrew's data access, no restrictions are returned.

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Use the following URI to GET data access restrictions: 

GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/workspace_users?fields=data_access,data_access_enabled,name,first_name,last_name

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The following examples are based on this information:

  • There are two workspaces: Project1 (ID 1002) and Project2 (ID 2001).

  • Three data access levels are defined: Regular (ID 1002), Contractor (ID 1003), Guest (ID 1001)

  • One role does not have any data access restrictions: Leader.

    There are three roles with data access restrictions: Viewer, Team member, and Tester.

    Role Data Access
    Viewer Guest (ID 1001)
    Team member Regular (ID 1002)
    Tester Contractor (ID 1003)
    Leader <No restrictions>
  • The workspace users are: 

    Andrew Wiggin

    Workspace Roles

    Leader, Team Member

    Project2 Team Member

    Josephine DiMaggio

    Workspace Roles
    Project1 Tester

    Viewer, Tester, Team Member

See also: