Add a log (technical preview)

When working with pipelines and a CI whose plugin does not support logs, you can use a POST operation to inject logs into OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform. For a list of the CI servers that have plugins, see CI server integration.


You can manually inject logs created by your CI tool to the OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform server.

To manually inject the CI logs:

  1. Authenticate and sign in as a user with the necessary permissions.

  2. Inject the log file using the logs custom resource.

  3. Check the status of the push.

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Inject the logs

Use the POST operation to add a payload containing the logs from your CI.

http[s]://<server>:<port>/internal-api/shared_spaces/{shared space id}/analytics/ci/{ciServerIdentity}/{ciJobId}/{ciBuildId}/logs

Use the following parameters:

  • ciServerIdentity: A string representing the CI server id, which is the instance_id field in the ci_server entity.
  • ciJobId: A string representing the CI job id, which is the ci_id field in the ci_job entity.
  • ciBuildId: A string representing the CI build id, which is the build_ci_id field in the ci_build entity.

This resource uses a application/json Content-Type header.

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Check the status

Make sure the logs were successfully pushed.

To check if the logs were added:

  1. Check the return code. A return code of 200 indicates success.
  2. Check if the logs exist. For details, see Analyze build log messages.

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See also: