
You can view the changes made to an item.

History tab

A history of changes is stored for items.

To view an item's history:

  1. Open an item in details view.

  2. Select the History tab.

    You can filter the history list by user or by field.

Tip: From the grid view, you can right-click an item's field value and select Show <field> in History. The item's History tab opens, focused on changes to the selected field.

Changes to history

Changes are organized by change sets. The change sets are listed chronologically in the History tab displays. A change set includes all the field updates made to the item in the same edit session. Changes made after saving the form are included in a new change set.

Each change set is identified by a timestamp. The change set provides details of the user and a description of the edited fields and their values before and after the changes.


  • If a change was made by an API method, the change is attributed to the authenticated user.

  • If a change was made by a rule, the label (Changed by Rule) is displayed.

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Workspace audit

Workspace admins have a global view in which they can audit changes to all the workspace items. For details, see Advanced admin tasks.

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See also: