This topic provides an example of a script created in FT Design, as well as some sample screen captures.
In this topic:
- Sample script on an online shopping site
- Add a step with custom details
- The same script running on multiple browsers
- A failed step in the run results
- Run results for multiple browsers
Sample script on an online shopping site
This example shows a script that purchases an item in the Advantage Online Shopping store.
This script has two applications defined, each using a different browser.
Log in to the Advantage Online Shopping site
These are the steps that run on the site's login page:
Click the hamburger_menu
Click the profile
Type 'aidemo1' into 'USER NAME' input
Type 'Aidemo1' into 'PASSWORD' input
Click the 'LOGIN' button
Alternatively, you can run the following If-Else conditional steps on the site's login page:
If the 'profile' exists click the profile else click the hamburger_menu click the profile
Type 'aidemo1' into 'USER NAME' input
Type 'Aidemo1' into 'PASSWORD' input
Click the 'LOGIN' button
Search for product in Advantage Online Shopping site and add it to the cart
These are the steps that run on the page for selecting a product:
Search for 'headphones'
Click the '179.99$' text
Click the 'ADD TO CART' button
Pay for the products in the Advantage Online Shopping cart
These are the steps that run to proceed to payment:
Click the shopping_cart
Click the 'CHECKOUT (PAY 179.99)' text
Click the 'PAY NOW' button
Add a step with custom details
In the example below, the user clicked the Inspect application button. In the resulting screenshot, the application's objects were highlighted. The user double-clicked a text_box object. Since this operation requires a parameter, the user was prompted to enter a value before adding the step to the script.
The same script running on multiple browsers
This example shows a run session running the same script on different browsers, one after the other.
You can see that the run is in progress on the second browser, and that currently, step 2 is running.
A failed step in the run results
In this example, the run results display a failed step. Hover over the step to show the reason for the failure.
Run results for multiple browsers
In this example, you can see the successful results of the same step on multiple browsers. Expand a node to see a list of steps.
See also: