Automate manual tests with Aviator

Requires an Aviator license

Let OpenTextValueEdge Aviator generate automated codeless tests and scripts based on your manual tests, using AI.

Generate automated codeless tests

Initiate the generation of automated codeless tests based on existing manual tests.

To start the generation: 

  1. Prerequisites: 

    • The steps in the manual tests that you want to convert must be in English.

    • For best results, manual test steps should be specific and detailed. The tests should be designed to be performed by someone who is unfamiliar with the application being tested.

  2. In ValueEdge Quality > Tests, select one or more manual tests, and click the Generate Codeless Test button .

    Alternatively, in the Details tab of a manual test, click Generate Codeless Test.

  3. Click Generate.

The tests are generated

For each manual test, a codeless test is generated, as well as the associated script containing the AI-generated steps to run.

  • The test steps are written in plain English and identify objects in your application visually, as a person would.

  • The generated scripts have the same names as the manual tests they are based on. If the manual test names contain any characters not supported in script names, those characters are omitted from the script name. See Naming conventions.

  • The scripts are stored in Functional Test Design, in a folder named Generated from manual and a subfolder based on the scripts' creation date.

An AI-generated script may be inaccurate and incomplete. Make sure to review it in Design and ensure that in runs locally before including it in a test suite.

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Refine the generated scripts

After your codeless automation scripts are generated, open them in Design to finalize the scripts and make sure they are ready to run.

Open the generated scripts

In a codeless test, or in the notification that the generation is complete, click Open in Design to open the script.

You may want to compare the generated script to the original manual test to make sure all steps are correctly represented.

  • If a script was generated from a manual test, a note at the top specifies the original test ID.

  • If a codeless test was generated from a manual test, the Relations tab includes a link to the original manual test.

Review and refine the scripts

As you review the steps in the AI-generated scripts, consider the following: 

  • Steps marked with a Manual step label are steps that could not be replaced automatically.

    Before you can run the script, you must replace these steps with codeless script steps, or exclude these steps from the run.

    For details on editing scripts, see Manually create and edit steps.

  • Steps are marked as erroneous if the generated English sentences do not meet the step syntax rules. Correct these steps to match the rules described in Step syntax.

  • If your step requires input from outside of the script, you can use a parameter to provide this input. See Parameterize scripts.

  • If a generated step includes parameters, define default values for these parameters.

    These values are used when a parameter value is not provided externally. See Create script parameters.

  • Sometimes, unrelated steps are added to the script by the AI generation process.

    Identify and delete any such steps.

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Run the new codeless tests

When the generated scripts are ready to run, perform the following steps: 

  1. Define the applications on which the script should run. For details, see Configure your applications.

  2. Run the script in Design to make sure it runs successfully. For details, see Run a script.

  3. Add your Codeless Test to test suites and include them in scheduled runs in Functional Test Execution. For details, see the Functional Test Execution section in the ValueEdge Help Center.

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