Step syntax

Write your steps in plain English, using the syntaxes described below (the words the and that are optional).

You can use single quotes or double quotes to enclose a string. The string can also contain quotes, but these quotes must be a different type than the quotes enclosing the string.

The following actions are supported: 

The table below describes the syntax for each action:

Action Description


Select a check box:

Syntax:Check the check_box

Example: Check the check box


Select a check box with a name:

Syntax: Check the "<text for identification>" check_box

Example: Check the "AM" check box

Click / Press / Tap

Perform a Click / Press / Tap operation on the control.

Syntax: Click/press/tap the <control type>

Example: Click the bell


Perform a Click / Press / Tap operation on a control with a name.

Syntax: Click/press/tap the "<text for identification>" button/text

Example: Click the "SIGN IN" button

Note: Text related to a class may be marked together in the user interface. This example is displayed as . Press the Backspace key twice to delete the text and class together.


Replace the value in a text control with the specified string:

Syntax: Enter "<text to enter>" into the "<text for identification>" input/field

Note: You can also replace the word into with in or inside.

Example: Enter "MyName" into "USER NAME" input

Go back

Go back to the previous page.

Syntax: Go back


In the browser, go to a specified website.

Syntax: Navigate to <URL>

Example: Navigate to


Search for the specified text.

Syntax: Search for "<text to find>"

Example: Search for "Wikipedia"


Select a radio button:

Syntax: Select the radio_button

Example: Select the radio_button


Select a radio button with a name:

Syntax: Select the "<text for identification>" radio_button

Example: Select the "garlic" radio_button


Use the Set action to assign different types of values to output parameters.

Assign a constant value to an output parameter.

Syntax: Set "value" into @<output parameter name>

Example: Set 1 into @Outpara1


Assign the value of an input parameter to an output parameter.

Syntax: Set @<input parameter name> into @<output parameter name>

Example: Set @Inputpara1 into @Outputpara1


Assign the value of an AI object to an output parameter.


  • Set value of '<text for identification>' <control type> into @<output parameter name>

  • Set "<text for identification>" <control type> value into @<output parameter name>


  • Set value of 'Username' input into @Outpara1

  • Set "Username" input value into @Outpara1


Turn a switch On or Off.

Syntax: Toggle <State> the toggle_button

Example: Toggle On the toggle_button


Change the state of a toggle button with a name:

Syntax: Toggle <State> the "<text for identification>" toggle_button

Example: Toggle Off the "Light" toggle_button


Type the specified string into a text control, after clicking approximately in the center of the control.

Syntax: Type "<text to type>" into the "<text for identification>" input/field

Note: You can also replace the word into with in or inside.

Example: Type "The boy's shirt" into "ITEM" input



Clear a check box:

Syntax: Uncheck the check_box

Example: Uncheck the check box


Clear a check box with a name:

Syntax: Uncheck the "<text for identification>" check_box

Example: Uncheck the "AM" check box


You can create different types of verification steps.

Verify that a control exists or does not exist.


  • Verify that the '<text for identification>' <control type> exists

  • Verify that the '<text for identification>' <control type> does not exist


  • Verify that the 'urgent' alarm exists

  • Verify the 'INPUT' button does not exist


Verify that the value of a control is, contains, or is within a certain string.


  • Verify that the value of "<text for identification>" <control type> is <value>

  • Verify that the value of "<text for identification>" <control type> contains <value>

  • Verify that the value of "<text for identification>" <control type> within <value>


  • Verify that the value of "Username" input is "John"

  • Verify that the value of "Username" input contains "John"

  • Verify that the value of "Text" within "Good Morning John"

Note: You can verify string values of objects. The value can be an input parameter or a constant.


Instruct a script to wait for a few seconds.

Syntax: Wait <number> seconds

Example: Wait 6 seconds

If / Else

Use a condition to specify the steps that run when a control exists or does not exist.


If the '<text for identification>' <control type> exists
If the '<text for identification>' <control type> does not exist


If the menu exists
       Click the menu
      Click the 'Close' button

If the menu does not exist
      Click the 'Close' button
      Click the menu

Note: The Else statement is optional.

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See also: