Supported controls
FT Design supports testing desktop web applications.
Supported control types
FT Design identifies common application controls such as camera, categories, chat, check box, Facebook, favorites, radio button, share, toggle button, trash, twitter, and view. For a complete list of controls that can be identified, see AI-based testing in the UFT One Help Center.
Supported operations
The following is a list of operations that scripts can perform on an identified control. In parentheses, you can find alternative names or aliases that refer to the same operations.
These are the keywords you can use for operations when writing a step:
AI Object actions
check, uncheck (select, clear)
click (press, tap)
Navigate to <URL>
Go back
search (find)
toggle (set, switch)
type (enter, input)
Verify <object> exists
Verify <object> does not exist
Verify value of <object> is "<value>"
Verify value of <object> contains "<value>"
Verify value of <object> within "<value>"
Wait (seconds)
For step syntax examples, see Step syntax.
PB (property-based) actions
check, uncheck (select, clear)
increase, decrease
toggle (set, switch)
Verify <object> exists
Verify <object> does not exist
Reserved words
The following words are used as part of the step syntax:
- the
- for
- into
- that
See also: