Importing services
VuGen lets you import services for the purpose of creating high-level tests with Web Service Call steps. Typically, you begin creating a script by importing a WSDL file.
The import mechanism requires the following information:
Source. The source of the WSDL: URL, File, UDDI, or Application Lifecycle Management. UDDI is a universal repository for services (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration). Service brokers register and categorize published Web Services and provide search capabilities. The UDDI business registry is an example of a service broker for WSDL-described Web Services.
Location. The path or URL of the WSDL, entered manually or by browsing.
Toolkit. The toolkit to permanently associate with all services in the script for all subsequent imports and replays (only available for the first service added to the script). The toolkit setting instructs VuGen to import, record, and replay the script using real client traffic—not an emulation.
From VuGen version 2020, Web Services protocol includes the WCF toolkit and APIs, providing support for WSDL importing, recording, replaying, and SAML. For Web Services scripts created prior to VuGen version 2020, it is recommended that you migrate the scripts to the WCF toolkit. For details, see Web Services toolkit migration.
VuGen continues to support the .NET toolkit (.NET Framework with WSE 2 version SP3) and Axis toolkit (Axis/Java based Web Services Framework) for older scripts. If a toolkit was not previously selected for these older scripts, then by default, VuGen uses automatic detection to determine the most appropriate toolkit, or you can select a toolkit from the available list.
Connection Settings. Define authentication settings for WSDLs residing on secure servers, and proxy server information if you want to use an alternative to the default system proxy server settings for the machine. For details, see Connection Settings dialog box.
If VuGen detects a problem with your WSDL when attempting to do an import, it issues an alert and prompts you to open the report. The report lists the errors and provides details about them.
For task details, see Add and Manage Services.