Web Services toolkit migration

From VuGen 2020, Web Services protocol includes the WCF toolkit and APIs, providing support for WSDL importing, recording, replaying, and SAML.

From VuGen 2020 SP1, VuGen provides automatic migration to the WCF toolkit. The migration is for scripts using these older Web Services toolkits:

  • .NET toolkit (.NET Framework with WSE 2.0/3.0)
  • Axis toolkit (Axis/Java based Web Services Framework)

When you try to open a script in VuGen that is using one of these older toolkits, VuGen displays a message prompting you to upgrade the script.

Why migrate to the WCF toolkit?

We recommended that you upgrade your older Web Services scripts, to gain the following benefits:

  • Improved load testing performance with the WCF toolkit.
  • No need to install WSE 2.0/3.0.

What happens when the script is migrated?

When you click OK in the upgrade message, VuGen does the following:

  • Creates a backup of the original script (named <script name>_<guid>) in the same parent folder.
  • Updates the toolkit associated with the script to WCF.

    To check the upgrade result, open SOA Tools > Manage Services, and confirm that the Toolkit field now displays WCF/.NET Framework.

What should I do if the migration fails?

If migration fails, change the toolkit manually in the original script:

  1. Delete the new version of the script (if created).
  2. Locate the backup of the original script and rename to the original name.
  3. In the backup script folder, open the default.cfg file.
  4. Under [WebServices] header, change Toolkit=Axis or Toolkit=.Net to Toolkit=WCF.
  5. Open the script in VuGen, then open SOA Tools > Manage Services.
  6. Select the appropriate service and click Update Now.

What should I do if replay fails?

If replay fails for the updated script, this may be because the arguments type/name is different between different toolkits.

Try the following:

  • Regenerate your script.
  • Edit the script: In the web_service_call API , edit the arguments and results to correct the issue. Right-click the line and select Show Arguments in the menu to open the Web Service Call Properties dialog box. Modify as necessary.

    If you get an error when you select Show Arguments, then delete or comment the result lines between BEGIN_RESULT and END_RESULT and reopen the script.

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See also: