VuGen video gallery

This video gallery provides a selection of videos to help you work with VuGen.

In this topic:

What's New videos

Watch the What's New videos and learn about the new features included in the latest releases:

What's New in 2020 SP3

What's New in 2020 SP1 & SP2

What's New in 2020

For the full list, see the What's New section.

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Introductory videos

Introducing performance testing with LoadRunner Professional:

Introduction to LoadRunner Professional

Introduction to TruClient

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Feature videos

Learn more about some of the VuGen features.

VuGen integration with LoadRunner Cloud

LRP integration with Eclipse

Asynchronous JavaScript APIs in TruClient

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DevWeb and LoadRunner Developer videos

Get up and running with DevWeb and LoadRunner Developer for your web protocol performance and load testing.

DevWeb basic scripting

Using parameters

Correlations for DevWeb

DevWeb syntax validation

Run DevWeb scripts in LoadRunner Controller

Define run logic for DevWeb scripts

API testing with DevWeb scripts

Asynchronous APIs
and programming concepts

Define correlation rules in Recording Options

For more tutorials and videos related to DevWeb scripts, see the LoadRunner Developer Video Gallery.

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Performance and load testing video channels

View short videos demonstrating performance and load testing functionality, and webinars on solution-driven topics.

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