Design Studio

The Design Studio serves as a single entry point for all correlation functionality.

The Design Studio is displayed automatically when code generation has finished. It can also be reached manually by clicking the Design Studio button in the toolbar.

The Design Studio enables you to manage dynamic values detected by all correlation scans in the unified form, and provides complete information about the location, extraction method, and the expected replacements in the script.

You can examine the details of the correlation candidate, and if necessary improve the configurations prepared by the correlation engine (for example, correlation boundaries or parameter name).

With Design Studio, you can correlate dynamic values in the script, create correlation rules, undo correlations, or discard correlation suggestions as irrelevant (add these value to excluded strings).

For more information about the Design Studio, see Design Studio - Correlation tab and Workflow for automatic correlation .

Note: The Design Studio is not supported for DevWeb scripts. For DevWeb correlation functionality, see Correlation for DevWeb scripts.

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