Step Navigator pane

The Step Navigator is a table view of the function calls in the script. The Step Navigator pane allows you to navigate to a specific step within your script.

Tip: If your script contains many steps, use the Search box to find the matching text in the steps.

To access View > Steps
Important information
  • The Step Navigator is not supported for DevWeb scripts.

  • You can search within an action or script but not across multiple scripts in a solution.
  • You can move this pane to different areas of the Main User Interface. For details, see How to modify the VuGen layout.
  • You can view the script in either action or script scope.

  • Every step that has a snapshot is marked with an icon. When hovering over a step that has an associated thumbnail it is presented as a tooltip.

  • Double clicking a step, takes you to the corresponding location in the script and synchronizes all other panes.

  • Step Navigation is synchronized based on the validity of the script. You can check the status of the pane during script editing.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Search box
You can search different parts of the steps for matching text. The following parts of the steps can be searched:
  • All. (Default) All parts of the step (name, step, arguments).
  • Name. The name of the step.
  • Step. The description of the step (for example, web_url, web_custom_request)
  • Arguments. The arguments for the step.
Enter the text you want to search for in your steps, in the search edit box and select the part of the steps you want to search. The Steps pane displays only those steps that match your search criteria.
The scope of the view:
  • Entire script

  • Action section

The number of the step in the script.
The API function.
Show screenshot. Hover over the icon to display the step's screenshot This is not available for certain protocols.
The step name.
Script Item
The action into which the step was created.
# steps displayed
Displays the total number of steps in the script or in the action.

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