Bookmarks pane

The Bookmarks pane displays a list of the bookmarks in your Vuser script. You can navigate between the bookmarks to help analyze and debug your code.

To access
View > Bookmarks
Important information
  • All bookmarks added to a Vuser script are maintained after you close and reopen the Bookmarks pane.

  • You can move this pane to different areas of the Main User Interface. For details, see How to modify the VuGen layout.
Relevant tasks

Navigate with bookmarks

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
<Bookmarks list>

Displays a list of all bookmarks that are defined in the Vuser script. You can double-click any bookmark line to navigate directly to the relevant line in the Vuser script.

Toggles the status of the selected bookmark.
Navigates to previous bookmark in the pane.
Navigates to next bookmark in the pane.
Deletes the selected bookmark.
Deletes all bookmarks.

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See also: