Cloud for AWS SQS functions
The AWS protocol for the Simple Queue Service (SQS) includes the following functions:
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry.code | Returns the error code received from SQS queue. | | Returns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage that was not successfully sent, deleted, or updated. |
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry.message | Returns the error message received from SQS queue. |
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry.senderFault | Specifies whether the sender is at fault for an error that occurred when a batch API action was called. |
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.failed | Returns one LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry element for each LrSqsMessage that did not update its visibility timeout successfully. |
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.hasFailed | Returns whether any LrSqsMessage did not update its visibility timeout successfully. |
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.hasSuccessful | Returns whether any LrSqsMessage updated its visibility timeout successfully. |
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.successful | Returns one LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry element for each LrSqsMessage that changed its visibility timeout successfully. | | Returns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage whose visibility timeout was modified. |
LrSqsClient.addMessageToBatch | Adds a message to a container that stores messages to be sent. |
LrSqsClient.addMessageToBatchEx | Adds a message with multiple attributes to a container that stores messages to be sent. |
LrSqsClient.addMessageToChangeVisibilityBatch | Adds a message to the current batch, to be used for the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch request. |
LrSqsClient.addPermission | Adds an SQS permission to the LrSqsClient's current queue. |
LrSqsClient.addReceiptHandleToChangeVisibilityBatch | Adds a receipt handle to the current batch, to be used for the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch request. |
LrSqsClient.changeMessageVisibility | Changes a message's visibility timeout. |
LrSqsClient.changeMessageVisibilityBatch | Sends the request of visibility change for all messages in the designated container. |
LrSqsClient.closeClient | Closes the LrSqsClient for the current Vuser. |
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueBinary | Creates a binary attribute value that can be assigned to a message. |
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueDouble | Creates a double attribute value that can be assigned to a message. |
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueInt | Creates an integer attribute value that can be assigned to a message. |
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueString | Creates a string attribute value that can be assigned to a message. |
LrSqsClient.deleteMessage | Deletes a message from the queue. |
LrSqsClient.deleteMessageBatch | Deletes a message batch from the queue. |
LrSqsClient.getQueueAttributes | Retrieves the specified attributes for the LrSqsClient's current queue. |
LrSqsClient.getQueueUrl | Retrieves the queue URL for the specified queue. |
LrSqsClient.initChangeMessageVisibilityBatch | Initializes the container for a ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch request. |
LrSqsClient.initClient | Initializes the LrSqsClient for the current Vuser. |
LrSqsClient.initMessageBatch | Initializes the container used to store messages to be sent. |
LrSqsClient.listDeadLetterSourceQueues | Lists the queues that have the LrSqsClient's current queue set as their dead-letter queue. |
LrSqsClient.listQueues | Lists the queues available in the current LrSqsClient's region. |
LrSqsClient.listQueueTags | Retrieves all tags for the LrSqsClient's current queue. |
LrSqsClient.purgeQueue | Deletes all messages from the queue. |
LrSqsClient.receiveMessage | Receives messages from the queue. |
LrSqsClient.receiveMessagesEx | Receives messages from the queue according to the arguments provided. |
LrSqsClient.removePermission | Removes an SQS permission from the LrSqsClient's current queue. |
LrSqsClient.resetQueueUrl | Replaces the current queue URL with a new URL. |
LrSqsClient.sendMessage | Sends a message to the queue. |
LrSqsClient.sendMessageBatch | Sends the batch of messages currently stored in the message container. |
LrSqsClient.sendMessageEx | Sends a message with multiple attributes to the queue. |
LrSqsClient.setQueueAttributes | Sets the specified attributes for the LrSqsClient's current queue. |
LrSqsClient.tagQueue | Adds tags to the LrSqsClient's current queue. |
LrSqsClient.untagQueue | Removes tags from the LrSqsClient's current queue. |
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.failed | Returns one LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchStatusEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were not deleted successfully. |
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasFailed | Returns whether any LrSqsMessages could not be deleted from the SQS queue. |
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasSuccessful | Returns whether any LrSqsMessages were deleted successfully. |
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.successful | Returns one LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchStatusEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were deleted successfully. | | Returns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage that was deleted. |
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.binaryValue | Returns the value of the attribute as a binary. |
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.binaryValueCopy | Returns a copy of the attribute's value as a binary. |
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.dataType | Returns the data type of the attribute as a string. |
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.doubleValue | Returns the value of the attribute as a double. |
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.intValue | Returns the value of the attribute as an integer. |
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.stringValue | Returns the value of the attribute as a string. |
LrSqsMessage.attributes | Returns all user-defined attributes of the message. |
LrSqsMessage.body | Retrieves the message body. |
LrSqsMessage.hasAttributes | Returns a Boolean value that shows whether the message has user-defined attributes. |
LrSqsMessage.hasSystemAttributes | Returns a Boolean value that shows whether the message has system attributes. |
LrSqsMessage.md5ofAttributes | Returns an MD5 encoding of the message attribute string. |
LrSqsMessage.md5OfBody | Returns an MD5 encoding of the message. |
LrSqsMessage.messageId | Retrieves the message ID. |
LrSqsMessage.receiptHandle | Retrieves the receipt handle. |
LrSqsMessage.systemAttributes | Returns all system attributes of the message. |
LrSqsMessage.systemAttributesAsStrings | Returns the system attributes of the message as Strings. |
LrSqsMessage.toString | Returns the LrSqsMessage as a String. |
LrSqsQueueAttributes.attributes | Returns all of the attributes in the collection. |
LrSqsQueueAttributes.attributesAsStrings | Returns all of the attributes in the collection as string values. |
LrSqsQueuesList.nextToken | Returns the next token for the queue list. |
LrSqsQueuesList.queueUrls | Returns the URLs of the queues. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.failed | Returns one LrSqsBatchErrorResultEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were not sent successfully. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasFailed | Returns whether any LrSqsMessages could not be sent to the SQS queue. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasSuccessful | Returns whether any LrSqsMessages were sent successfully. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.successful | Returns one LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were sent successfully. | | Returns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage that was sent. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry.messageId | Returns the ID of the LrSqsMessage that was sent using the sendMessageBatch method. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry.sequenceNumber | Returns the sequence number of the LrSqsMessage. |
LrSqsSendMessageResult.messageId | Returns the message ID. |
LrSqsSendMessageResult.sequenceNumber | Returns the sequence number of the message. |