Async rules overview

Note: For a list of protocols that support asynchronous communication, see 64-bit recording, Async, and IPv6 support.

In some cases, when VuGen performs an Async scan, VuGen may fail to correctly identify some of the asynchronous conversations that are included in the Vuser script. In other cases, VuGen may erroneously classify regular synchronous steps as part of asynchronous conversations. To help rectify both of these scenarios, you can define Async rules to determine how requests to specified URLs are classified during an Async scan.

Async rules can be positive or negative.

  • Positive: When VuGen fails to identify asynchronous conversations that are included in a Vuser script, implement a positive Async rule to enable VuGen to identify the asynchronous behavior.

    Scenario: VuGen does not identify URLs under as push asynchronous conversations, and you know that they are part of push asynchronous conversations. Add a positive rule to enable VuGen to correctly identify the push asynchronous conversations. When you regenerate the script, the Async scan applies the added rule, and all URLs that start with are included as part of push asynchronous conversations.

  • Negative: When VuGen erroneously classifies regular synchronous steps as part of an asynchronous conversation, implement a negative Async rule to prevent VuGen from erroneously identifying asynchronous behavior.

    Scenario: VuGen identifies all URLs under as asynchronous poll conversations. You know that these are not asynchronous conversations. Implement a negative Async rule to prevent VuGen from erroneously identifying asynchronous behavior. When you regenerate the script, the Async scan applies the added rule so that all URLs that start with are not classified as part of asynchronous conversations.

For details on how to implement Async rules, see Add Async rules.

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