
Searches for a value in the specified columns and, if found, replaces the values in all of the specified columns.

C Language

VTCERR2 lrvtc_update_all_message_ifequals ( char *colNames, char *message , char *ifmessage, char *delimiter );

C# Language

void vts.update_all_message_ifequals ( string colNames, string message , string ifmessage, string delimiter );

Java Language

int Lrvtc.update_all_message_ifequals ( string colNames, string message, string ifmessage, string delimiter );

JavaScript Language

lrvtc.updateAllMessageIfequals ( colNames, message, ifmessage, delimiter);
Data Update Functions


colNamesThe column names, separated by a delimiter
messageNew value
ifmessageOriginal value
delimiterThe delimiter used as a separator between the columns

lrvtc_update_all_message_ifequals searches for a for a value, ifmessage in the specified columns, colNames. If found, it replaces the value in all of the columns with another value, message.

This function can be used to replace old values, or clear all existing values from a column's rows.

Return Values

C Language:   Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.

C# Language: No return value.

Java Language:   Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.

JavaScript Language:   Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.


All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.

C Language Example

/*If value equals "hello" in columns col1 or col2, replace the value to "hi"*/               
lrvtc_update_all_message_ifequals("col1:col2", "hi", "hello", ":");
/*If value equals "hello" in columns col1 or col2, clear the values*/               
lrvtc_update_all_message_ifequals("col1:col2", "", "hi", ":");