Enhance script with Steps box functions

There are a number of optional steps that can be added to scripts beyond the basic recorded workflow. These steps are designed to enhance the performance and flow of your script, so that it can more accurately represent your business process.

Use enhancement steps

You add optional steps by dragging and dropping them from the Steps box, and then editing the steps as required. This provides UI-based script development, without need for extensive coding skills.

To add an enhancement step to a script:

  1. In the Development window Toolbar, click Add step to open the Steps box.

    Tip: Click Add step again to close the Steps box.

  2. Select a step in one of the Steps box tabs and drag it to the required location in the script.

    For details on the available steps, see Steps box.

  3. Define the required properties for the added step.

    Arguments that include an Editor button (for example, ) can be opened in a dedicated editor.

  4. For some enhancement steps, you add substeps to be run when the enhancement step's conditions are met. When this content is required, the enhancement step includes an Add button before the step name:

    Click the Add button and enter the substeps in the relevant box. You can populate the boxes with existing script steps using drag or copy-paste, or drag in enhancement steps, You can also record new substeps using the Record into selected step option:

  5. Replay the step to check it functions as expected.

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Available enhancements

The following describes some of the enhancements you can perform in your script using the Steps box. For details and the full list, see Steps box.

Tab > Step Description
Functions> Verify Use to verify that an object or string that you select exists in the application.
Functions > Generic Object/Browser Action

Use to insert a generic or blank step and manually configure it.

You can also use a Generic object action step to select multiple files for download. For details, see Include file upload in your script.

Flow control > Catch error Use to trap an error in the immediately preceding step, and then run the contents of the Catch error step.

Miscellaneous > Comments

Use to insert comments into your script.

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Non-standard upload of files

If the AUT implementation for file upload is not done in the standard way, the input element (which is dynamically created by inline script or script tag) is not supported for uploading a file. Instead, you can manually add a non-standard upload step to your script.

Note: The input element, created in the DOM script tag, is not attached to the DOM object.

To manually add a non-standard upload step to your script:

  1. Open the Steps box to the Functions tab, and drag the Generic object action step to the relevant location in your script.

  2. In the application browser window, select the object to upload.

  3. Expand the step, and change the step Action to Upload.

  4. Add the Path and set the required step parameters.

Note: You can also use the Generic object action step to select multiple files for upload. For details, see Include file upload in your script.

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See also: