Oracle NCA protocol example scripts
In the following example, the user selected an item from a list (nca_list_activate_item), pressed a button (nca_button_press), retrieved a list value (nca_lov_retrieve_items), and performed a click in an edit field (nca_edit_click). The logical names of the objects are the parameters of these functions.
nca_lov_select_item("Responsibilities","General Ledger, Vision Operations");
nca_list_activate_item("FNDSCSGN.NAVIGATOR.LIST.0","+ Journals");
nca_list_activate_item("FNDSCSGN.NAVIGATOR.LIST.0"," Enter");
nca_lov_select_item("Batches","AR 1020 Receivables 2537: A 1020");
In certain tests, such as those performed on Oracle Configurator applications, information returned by one function is required throughout the session. VuGen automatically saves the dynamic information to a parameter by inserting a web_reg_save_param function into the script.
In the following example, the connection information is saved to a parameter called NCAJServSessionID. The right boundary is \r. The actual right boundary may differ between systems.
web_reg_save_param ("NCAJServSessionId", "LB=\r\n\r\n", "RB=\r", LAST); web_url("f60servlet",
"URL=\?config=mult", LAST);
Note: If web_reg_save_param parameters are generated automatically, we recommend to leave as they are. If you need to modify them, rather manually add a new web_reg_save_param function or add a new correlation rule.