Working with Ericom Terminal Emulation
VuGen supports record and replay with Ericom Terminal Emulators.
The Ericom support handles escape sequences during record and replay. Ericom's PowerTerm lets you map PC keys to custom escape sequences. For information about mapping, see the PowerTerm help.
When a user presses mapped keys while recording an Ericom VT session, VuGen generates TE_send_text functions instead of the standard TE_type. This allows the script to handle custom escape sequences in a single step. For more information, see the Function Reference for the TE_send_text function.
SSL and SSH support for Ericom
VuGen also supports SSL/SSH record and replay for the RTE Ericom library. To work with SSL or SSH, you select the type in the Security section of the Connect dialog box. (In the Terminal Emulator window, select Communication > Connect.)
When working with SSH Security, by default VuGen opens a popup dialog box prompting you for more information. We recommend that you disable the Show options to prevent the pop-ups from being issued.
If you enable these popups, it may affect the replay. You can access the advanced security options by clicking the Details button.
Note: Running multiple Vusers with SSH works only when you run each Vuser as a process. By default, a Vuser runs as a thread. To change it to run as a process, go to Runtime Settings > Miscellaneous > Multithreading and enable Run Vuser as a process. This is a 3rd party software limitation when SSH is used.