Select an SAP protocol type

  • To test the SAP GUI user operating only on the client, use the SAP GUI Vuser type.
  • To test an SAP GUI user that also uses a web browser, use the SAP-Web protocol.

To record an SAP GUI session that uses browser controls, create a multi-protocol Vuser script with the SAP GUI and SAP-Web protocols. This allows VuGen to record web-specific functions when encountering the browser controls. This will not work if you attempt to combine SAP GUI and web protocols.

Before recording a session, verify that your modules and client interfaces are supported by VuGen. The following table describes the SAP client modules for SAP Business applications and the relevant tools:

SAP module
VuGen support
SAP Web Client or
Use the SAP-Web protocol.
SAP GUI for Windows
Use the SAP GUI protocol. This also supports APO module recording.
SAP GUI for Java
This client is not supported.