Known issues for Siebel Web
This section describes troubleshooting and limitations for Siebel Web Vuser scripts.
Tip: For general troubleshooting and limitations, see Known issues.

The Siebel High Interactivity client is only supported with a 32-bit Internet Explorer, version 9 and earlier. To record this type of session, check your browser version and downgrade if necessary. Alternatively, you can use proxy recording. For details, see Record using a proxy.

An error message relating to Back or Refresh typically has the following text:
We are unable to process your request. This is most likely because you used the browser back or refresh button to get to this point.
Cause: The possible causes of this problem may be:
The SWEC was not correlated correctly for the current request.
The SWETS was not correlated correctly for the current request.
The request was submitted twice to the Siebel server without the SWEC being updated.
A previous request should have opened a frame for the browser to download. This frame was not created on the server probably because the SWEMethod has changed since the recording.

A typical web page response to the Same Values error is:
@0`0`3`3``0`UC`1`Status`Error`SWEC`10`0`1`Errors`0`2`0`Level0`0`ErrMsg`The same values for 'Name' already exist. If you would like to enter a new record, please make sure that the field values are unique.`ErrCode`28591`
Cause: The possible cause of this problem may be that one of the values in the request (in the above example, the value of the Name field) duplicates a value in another row of the database table. This value needs to be replaced with a unique value to be used for each iteration per user. The recommended solution is to replace the row ID with its parameter instead insuring that it is unique.

A typical HTTP response for a No Content HTTP Response type error is:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 21:52:30 GMT
Content-Language: en
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cause: The possible causes of this problem may be that the row ID is not correlated at all or that it is correlated incorrectly.

The typical web page response to the Restoring the Context type error is:
@0`0`3`3``0`UC`1`Status`Error`SWEC`9`0`1`Errors`0`2`0`Level0`0`ErrMsg`An error happened during restoring the context for requested location`ErrCode`27631`
Cause: The possible causes of this problem may be that the rowid is not correlated or that it is correlated incorrectly.

The typical web page response to the Cannot locate record type error is:
@0`0`3`3``0`UC`1`Status`Error`SWEC`23`0`2`Errors`0`2`0`Level0`0`ErrMsg`Cannot locate record within view: Contact Detail - Opportunities View applet: Opportunity List Applet.`ErrCode`27573`
Cause: The possible causes of this problem may be that the input name SWERowId does not contain a row ID for a record on the web page. This input name should have been parameterized. The parameter's source value may have changed its location.

The typical web page response to the End of File type error is:
@0`0`3`3``0`UC`1`Status`Error`SWEC`28`0`1`Errors`0`2`0`Level0`0`ErrMsg`An end of file error has occurred. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.`ErrCode`28601`
Cause: The possible causes of this problem may be that the input name SWERowId does not contain a row ID for a record on the web page. This input name should have been parameterized. The parameter's source value may have changed its location.

The typical web page response to the Unable to Retrieve Search Categories type error is:
Cause: A possible cause of this problem may be that the search frame was not downloaded from the server. This occurs when the previous request did not ask the server to create the search frame correctly.