To show Vusers during a scenario, enter the following in the Vuser command line box: -lr_citrix_vuser_view. In Controller, open the Vuser Details dialog box and click More to expand the dialog box. This affects the scalability of the test, so this should only be done to examine a problematic Vuser's behavior.
To reduce the effect on the script's scalability, you can show the details for an individual Vuser by adding the Vuser's ID at the end of the command line: -lr_citrix_vuser_view <VuserID>.
To open multiple Vusers, place a comma-separated list of IDs after the command line. Do not use spaces, but you may use commas or dashes. For example, 1,3-5,7 would show Vusers 1,3,4,5, and 7, but would not show Vuser 2, 6, or any Vuser with an ID higher than 7.
When recording with XenApp using a Citrix and web multi-protocol script, manual modifications may be required to ensure proper recording.