Known issues for Web Services
This section describes troubleshooting and limitations for the Web Services protocol.
Tip: For general troubleshooting and limitations, see Known issues.
Issue: When you run a web_service_call function, the function may fail because a security token is included in the response.
Workaround: Use the web_service_set_option function to turn on the DoNotValidateSecurity option, using the syntax below:
web_service_set_option("DoNotValidateSecurity", "true");
Depending on your toolkit and API usage, you may get an error if you need to install/activate one or more of WSE 2.0 SP3, WSE 3.0, and .NET 3.5. This is required if, when using the Axis or .NET toolkits, your script contains one of the following API functions:
- web_service_set_security
- web_service_set_security_saml
- web_service_call
Activate .NET 3.5. Turn on the feature as described in the Microsoft .NET documentation.
Next, install the WSE components from your OpenText Professional Performance Engineering installation package folders, lrunner\Common\wse20sp3 and lrunner\Common\wse30, or download them from the Internet.
Alternatively, move to the WCF toolkit instead. With WCF toolkit, you can use web_service_set_security without installing WSE2.0 or WSE3.0.
We also highly recommend that you use web_service_set_security_saml_ex instead of web_service_set_security_saml (in the WCF toolkit).
If you experience WSDL issues with the Axis or .NET toolkits, for example, if a Web Services script will not open, then it is generally recommended to use the WCF toolkit instead. Create a new test and import the WSDL using the default WCF toolkit, or migrate the script as described in Web Services toolkit migration.
If you prefer to continue to use the older toolkits, you can try the following workaround to recreate the scripts:
- Create a new test.
- Go to the directory of the new script and open the default.cfg file.
- Under [WebServices] header, change "Toolkit=WCF" to "Toolkit=Axis" or "Toolkit=.Net" .
- The Record default web browser option in the Recording Wizard, is only supported for Internet Explorer.
- For large SOAP envelopes, Record and Replay snapshots are disabled.
- The Import SOAP feature is not supported for envelopes containing a single element larger than 500KB.
- Recording requests with attachments or security is not supported.
The Axis toolkit is no longer automatically installed with VuGen. To run legacy scripts on an Axis toolkit, download the Axis Java files and copy them to %LG_PATH%\bin\java\Axis.
Download the files from this knowledge base article: Axis Java files
- For the Axis toolkit, Web Service calls that include both attachments and security are not supported.
- For .NET toolkit, SOAP version 1.2 is not supported for asynchronous calls.
- You can enter text strings up to 10 KB to encode to base 64. If your string is larger, use the Get from file option.
- VuGen supports Web Service messages over JMS message Queue, but does not support JMS Topics.
- If the response is MIME format, replay may fail for Web Services imported through the .NET toolkit.
Workaround: Insert a web_service_set_option function before the web_service_call. Enable the HandleMIMEResponse attribute:
web_service_set_option("HandleMIMEResponse", "true") - JMS Bindings Extensions are not supported.
- All services in your script should have the same security scenario. This can be configured using the Protocols and Security tab.
- Asynchronous Web Service calls and custom user handlers are not supported for WCF.
- OpenText Professional Performance Engineering cannot replay scripts containing the soa_xml_validate function.
When using Update service, steps that are already in the script will not display the updated properties (in the step argument view) until you close and reopen the application. After you reopen the app, step arguments are updated. If the script is open when performing "update service", then on the script view arguments, the application throws an exception.
Workaround: Close the script file while running "update service", or reopen the test after running "update service".