Known issues for Web - HTTP/HTML

Tip: For general troubleshooting and limitations, see Known issues.

  • Certain POST requests may require HTTP headers which are not automatically generated in the recorded script. To add headers, use the web_add_header API function. For details, see the Function Reference.
  • Port mapping configurations is not supported in the Proxy Recording mode.
  • When strong private key protection is set on a certificate and the WinInet mode is used during the replay, you may be required to manually enter authentication details when replaying the script.
  • When using certificates, if your script refers to the certificate by a wrong index number, such as web_set_certificate_ex("CertIndex=2", LAST), the authentication may fail.
    Solution: Regenerate the script (not for WinInet mode recording), or manually set the correct certificate index. To determine this, in Internet Explorer, open the Certificates list (Tools > Internet options> Content > Certificates) and use the order of the certificates as they are listed, beginning with 1.
  • When recording a Java application with SSL, you need to install the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering CA certificate. To install the certificate:

    1. Copy the certificate file wplusCAOnly_Expiration_2022.crt from the <installdir>\bin\certs folder, to the location of the Java keystore file, cacerts. This example assumes the typical folder, C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre<version>\lib\security.
    2. Rename the file to wplus.crt
    3. Open the command prompt, and go to the keystore file's folder, by typing cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre<version>\lib\security.
    4. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre<version>\bin\keytool –list –keystore cacerts.
    5. You should see the list of all installed certificates. When prompted for a password, enter changeit.
    6. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre<version>\bin\keytool –import –file wplus.crt –keystore cacerts –alias LoadRunnerCA --trustcacerts. When prompted for a password, enter changeit.
    7. Record your secure application.
  • The NV Insights Report is not supported for 64-bit replay.

See also:

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