Spaces and products

This section introduces spaces and products in PulseUno, and how to use them.

Spaces and products overview

Administrators can organize work into spaces and register SCM products.

  • A space is a collection of related software products, for example, Insurance. A space can contain one or more products, for example, Life Insurance and Health Insurance. You can register products in PulseUno so that they respond to events produced from those products.
  • A product is a major unit of software development. A product is a collection of streams, for example, the product Life Insurance contains these streams:

    • LIFE
  • A stream represents a branch or feature of development.

Tip: For a list of how PulseUno terms map into your SCM too, see Glossary.

Use the following workflow to create a space, add products, and configure streams:

  1. Create a Space.
  2. Register one or more products to the Space.
  3. Configure settings and defaults for each product.
  4. Optional:

    • Register one or more streams with each product (streams are normally registered automatically).
    • Automatically create reviews create reviews and run chains for each stream.

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View activity

When you select a space, product, stream, review, or changeset its latest events are displayed in the Activity feed, including:

  • Deliveries of changesets to streams that create reviews
  • Reviewers added to a review
  • Changes to reviews' states
  • Review comments

You can filter the information that is displayed in an activity feed.

  1. (Optional) From the Activities list select an event type, for example, Comments. By default All Activities is selected.
  2. (Optional) In the Filter box enter one or more keywords in the format <keyword>:<value>.
  3. Click Apply.
  • Activity is scoped to the current space, product, or stream.
  • To clear all filters, delete the entries in the Filter box and click Apply.
  • The Filter box is not case-sensitive.

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Create spaces and register products (Administrators)

Administrators can create new spaces and register SCM products.

To create a new space:

  1. On the top navigation click Administration and Select Spaces.
  2. Click New Space (Click + Button).
  3. Enter a title for the new Space.
  4. Optionally enter a description for the Space. Use the tools to format, and preview, the description.
  5. Click Save.

To register a product to a space:

  1. Select the Space where you want to register the product.
  2. Click Register a Single Product.
  3. Enter a title for the product. A PulseUno product is the same as an SCM product but the titles can be different.
  4. Optionally enter a description for the PulseUno product. Use the tools to format, and preview, the description.
  5. From the Repository Name list, do one of the following:

  6. From the Product in Repository list select an SCM product.
  7. Click Register.

To register multiple products to a space:

  1. Select the Space where you want to register the products.
  2. Click Register Multiple Products.
  3. From the Repository Name list, do one of the following:

  4. From the Products in Repository list, shift-click to select multiple SCM products.
  5. Click Register. The new PulseUno products have the same titles as the SCM products. You can edit the titles later.

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Configure products (Administrators)

This section describes the tasks administrators perform to configure products.

Set stream defaults:

Administrators can set defaults for the all the streams in a product. For example, you might want different products to show different check lists when users approve or reject reviews. You can override these settings for each individual stream.

  1. Select the product where you want to set stream defaults.
  2. On the sidebar select Product Settings and then Stream Defaults.
  3. From the Review Check List To Use list select a review check list to be used with new reviews. You can also select the option not use a review check list.
  4. From the Review Rules To Use list select a rule. Rules control how reviews move from one state to another (for example, whether all reviewers must approve a review, or just one reviewer).
  5. To configure if changesets create or attach deliveries to new reviews, from the Create/Attach Deliveries to a Review list select one of the following:

    • Create or attached deliveries to reviews
    • Do not attach deliveries to reviews
  6. When you create a new stream based on an existing stream, to copy the settings from the parent stream select Copy settings from source stream.
  7. Click Save.

Set default delivery filters

Administrators can set the default delivery filter for a product and automatically assign it to any streams that do not have a filter. A product can only have one default delivery filter.

Delivery filters determine which changesets create a review.

  1. Select the product where you want to set defaults.
  2. On the sidebar select Delivery Filters under Settings option.
  3. Select a delivery filter and click Set As Default. If there is no delivery filter, create a new one.
  4. Click Make Delivery Filter Default.

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Delete spaces, products, and streams (Administrators)

Administrators can delete spaces and products and unregister streams.

  1. On the top navigation click spaces.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select a space and go to Settings > Advanced and click the Delete this space button and then confirm.
    • Select a space and then select one product and go to Settings > Advanced and click the Delete this produce button and then confirm.
    • Select a space, a product, and then select one or more streams and click Delete and then confirm.
  • Reviews in PulseUno are not deleted when their parent location is deleted. You can search for reviews and re-register the product and/or stream to browse to them.
  • Deleting a space unregisters its products and streams from PulseUno but does not affect the SCM.
  • Unregistering a product unregisters its streams from PulseUno but does not affect the SCM.
  • Unregistering a stream does not affect the SCM. The stream is automatically re-registered in PulseUno when deliveries are made to it in CM (unless the parent product is also unregistered).
  • Delete a product or unregister a stream if you deleted the corresponding object in the SCM and do not want it to appear in PulseUno.

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Modify a space or product (Administrators)

Administrators can modify the title and description of spaces and products.

  1. Open a space or product.
  2. Click Settings and select the General option.
  3. Modify the title and/or description.
  4. Click Save.

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Move a product to another space (Administrators)

Administrators can move a product to another space.

  1. Open a product.
  2. Select Settings > Advanced.
  3. Click Move to another space.
  4. Select a space from the list.
  5. Click Move.

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Filter the list of streams

On a product page you can filter the list of streams that is displayed.

  1. Open a product's home page.
  2. In the Streams section, in the search box type a filter. PulseUno automatically displays a list of all the streams that match the string (not case sensitive).

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Configure stream settings

Stream settings are by default set by the parent product . However, you can configure settings for each individual stream.

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