ALM Project Database Reference
The mapping of individual items between libraries.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key LMP_IDThe record ID.int4   
 LMP_LIBRARY_IDThe LIBRARIES.LIB_ID of the library to which this record belongs.int4   
 LMP_ENTITY_TYPEThe type of entity. For example, ALL_LISTS, CROS_REF, REQ, REQ_COVER, OR TEST.varchar30   
 LMP_EXP_ENTITY_KEYThe ID of the exported item.int4   
 LMP_IMP_ENTITY_KEYThe ID of the imported item.int4   

If this record does not represent a link:

The version number of the imported item. If the item originated in this library, the version stamp is -1. The initial import is version 0.

If this record represents a link, this is the ID of the "from" end point.


If this record does not represent a link, the type of entity that contains this item. If a TEST folder, this value is ALL_LISTS.

If this record represents a link, the the type of "from" end point linked item. For example, REQ or TEST.
 LMP_IMP_OWNER_ENTITY_KEYThe ID of the containing entity.int4   

If this record represents a link, the type of the linked item. For example, REQ or TEST.

If not a link, this field is null.


The ID of the linked entity in this library. If no links, -1.

 LMP_IMP_ENTITY_ABSOLUTE_PATHThe path of the mapped entity on the imported library side. Null if the mapped entity is not hierarchical.
Do not modify this data.
See Also