ALM Project Database Reference
The files or folders that are owned by an asset.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key ARI_IDThe record ID.int4   
 ARI_PATHThe file path in the repository relative to the root folder of the entity that owns the asset.varchar255   
 ARI_OWNER_IDThe record ID of the entity that owns the asset.int4   
 ARI_OWNER_TYPEThe name of the database table for the entity that owns the asset.varchar40   
 ARI_SUPPORT_COPY_PASTEIf set to 1, the asset is copied when its owner is copied.int4   
 ARI_SUPPORT_VERSIONINGIf set to 1, the asset is placed under version control.int4   
 ARI_VC_CHECKOUT_USER_NAMEThe user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank.varchar60  

A bitmap for use by the testing tool in calls to ISupportAssetRelations.DownLoad. The bitmap passed to Download is bit-wise ANDed with this bitmap. If the result of the AND is not zero, the item is downloaded with the owner if the conditions of ASSET_RELATIONS record that link it to the owner are met.

The meaning of the bits in the mask is a function of the testing tool.

If the field is NULL, the asset is always downloaded with the owner if the conditions of ASSET_RELATIONS record that link it to the owner are met.

See Also