Reserve timeslots

This task describes how to reserve hosts for performing maintenance tasks.

In this topic:

Timeslot overview

When running tests, or performing maintenance on host machines, the resources needed for these tasks must be available, and must fall within the project and license limits. The Lab Resources > Timeslots module enables you to reserve resources in advance to ensure that the required resources are available when you are ready to perform these tasks.

There are two kinds of timeslots:

Timeslot Description
Testing timeslots

Reserving a testing timeslot ensures that the resources required for a functional or performance test are available when you need to run the test. You reserve testing timeslots only in your project in ALM Desktop Client.

For details, see How to Reserve Testing Timeslots in ALM.

Maintenance timeslots

Reserving a maintenance timeslot ensures that the resources required for a maintenance task are available when the maintenance task is performed. You reserve maintenance timeslots in Lab Management.

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Create or edit a maintenance timeslot

This task describe how to add a maintenance timslot in Lab Management.

To create a maintenance timeslot:

  1. On the Lab Management sidebar, select Lab Resources > Timeslot.

  2. Click the New Timeslot .

    Alternatively, in the calendar view, double-click anywhere on the calendar, or right-click the target time and select New Timeslot.

  3. Enter the details of the timeslot.

    UI Elements



    Indicates that the timeslot is a maintenance type.


    Indicates that the maintenance task is performed manually.

    This field is disabled and the selection cannot be changed.


    A descriptive name for the timeslot.


    The duration of the maintenance timeslot, in hours and minutes.

    A maintenance timeslot can be reserved for a minimum of between 15 minutes and maximum of 480 hours (20 days).

    Start Time

    The date and time (in hours and minutes) that the timeslot starts.

    If you need to reserve a host for a maintenance task, and the host is already reserved for running a test in the same timeslot, then you can modify the start of the testing timeslot, or delete the testing timeslot. Consult with the user who reserved the testing timeslot before making any changes.

    End Time

    The date and time (in hours and minutes) that the timeslot ends.

    Add specific Host

    Opens the Add Specific Host dialog box, enabling you to select hosts for the maintenance timeslot.

    You must select at least one host for the timeslot.

    Available for: New, open, or future maintenance timeslots.

    Set Start Time as Now

    Selects the current time in the resource availability chart.

    A timeslot whose start time is set to the current time opens the immediately upon submitting the reservation.

    Calculate Availability

    Calculates the availability of the requested resources for the selected timeslot. The results are displayed graphically on the resource availability timeline, and a message is displayed in the Timeslot Status tab.

    The availability timeline displays all timeslots when the requested hosts can be reserved. Even if the requested hosts cannot be reserved for the selected timeslot, they may be available at other times.

    If the timeslot cannot be reserved, consider the reasons displayed in the Timeslot Status tab when reselecting your hosts. If the timeslot can be reserved, you can click Submit to save the timeslot.


    You request a specific host for one hour beginning at 15:00 and click Calculate Availability. The availability timeline indicates that this host is already reserved from 17:00 to 21:00. Therefore, you can select any timeslot between 15:00 and 16:00, or any time after 21:00, to reserve the host. The Timeslot Status tab indicates that the timeslot can be reserved.

    <Message bar>

    Located at the top of the dialog box. Displays messages and warnings about the timeslot.

    Available for: Existing timeslots only.

    <Resource availability timeline>

    Displays the availability of requested resources on a timeline:

    • Availability not calculated. Displayed on the timeline before you calculate the availability of the requested resources for a new timeslot, or when modifying a timeslot.

    • Start Times. Indicates suggested start times for the timeslots, when the requested resources are available.

    • Insufficient Resources. Indicates that not all the requested resources are available at the start times indicated on the timeline.

    • License/Project Limit. Indicates license or project limit issues at the start times indicated on the timeline. For example, more hosts requested than available in the license limit.

    • Unknown. Displayed before calculating the availability of the requested resources for the timeslot.

    • Unavailable Resource. Indicates that a requested resource is not available at the start times indicated on the timeline.

    Requested Hosts grid

    Displays the hosts requested for the timeslot.

    You must select at least one host for the timeslot.

    Timeslot Status tab

    Displays the status of the timeslot reservation.

    For details about timeslot failure, see Understanding Timeslot Failure.

    Description tab

    Describes the currently selected timeslot.

    Right-clicking in this area displays a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.

    Additional Details tab

    Displays additional details related to the timeslot.

    Available for: Existing timeslots only.

    Event Log tab

    Displays a log of events related to the timeslot. For details, see Event Log.

    Available for: Existing timeslot details.

  4. Click Submit.

    The system calculates the availability of the requested hosts during the selected timeslot. If all of the hosts are available, the Timeslot Reservation dialog box closes and the timeslot is reserved and displayed in the Timeslots module. If the timeslot cannot be reserved, the reasons are displayed in the Timeslot Status tab.

    If a host that you are trying to reserve for maintenance is reserved for another timeslot that has not yet started, and you cannot delay the maintenance task, first consult with the user who reserved the other timeslot. If he/she agrees, move the start time of the other timeslot, or delete it accordingly.

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