How to Run UFT One GUI Tests
When running UFT One GUI tests, consider the following:
To enable ALM to run GUI tests on a remote host, open the relevant application on the remote host and select the required option. For details, see UFT One help.
Before running a GUI test, ALM loads the UFT One add-ins that are associated with the selected GUI test. You must ensure that you run the GUI test on a machine on which the required UFT One add-ins are installed. For details on working with add-ins and associated add-in lists in UFT One, refer to the documentation and the relevant add-in documentation.
When you run GUI tests from the Test Lab module, they are automatically run in Fast mode. They cannot be run in Normal mode.
By default, ALM closes UFT One at the end of a test set run. This ensures that the UFT One license is released at that point and made available for other UFT One users. To keep UFT One open after a test set run, you can edit the SUPPORT_TESTSET_END parameter in the Site Configuration tab in Site Administration. For details, see Set configuration parameters.
It's recommended that you use the default authentication mode (with the ENABLE_CSE_V1 parameter set to Y) for running GUI tests.
If the parameter is set to N (which enables Approve ID mode), you may encounter the "OTA server is not connected" error. To solve this issue, remove the parameter or set the parameter value to Y.