Set up Digital Lab (previously UFT Mobile) integration

You can configure ALM for running tests of your mobile applications directly from ALM. These tests access the mobile devices and applications from your UFT Digital Lab (formerly UFT Mobile) server and post the test results in ALM.

In this topic:

Note: When working with the Digital Lab extension from ALM, the ALM server needs to align with the Digital Lab server time.

Set site parameters for Digital Lab

Open Site Administration > Configuration tab, and define the following parameters for the integration with Digital Lab.



MOBILE_CENTER_SERVER_HOST Enter the UFT Mobile server IP address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name).
MOBILE_CENTER_SERVER_PORT Enter the port number of the Digital Lab server.
MOBILE_CENTER_SSL_ENABLED If Digital Lab uses an SSL connection (starting with https:), set this parameter to "Y". If SSL is not in use, set it to “N”.

If the communication between the ALM server and Digital Lab is enabled after authentication by a Single Sign-On (SSO) token, enter the appropriate value.


  • The same value must be set in Digital Lab (Administration > Settings > General > Single Sign On Init string). For more details, see the Digital Lab Help.

  • Digital Lab's multi-project early access feature. If you are using the multi-project feature, the same value must be set in Digital Lab > Project Management > Global Settings > General > Single Sign On Init string.

For details about configuring site parameters, see Set configuration parameters.

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Set email addresses for authorized users

Set email addresses for all authorized users.

To set the email address for an authorized users:

  1. Open Site Administration > User Management tab.
  2. Click the authorized user. In the User Details tab, Email field, enter the email address for the user.

    The email address must match the email address defined in UFT Digital Lab.

    For details about managing users, see User management.

    For details on setting users in UFT Digital Lab, see see the Digital Lab Help.

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Enable Digital Lab extension

Create a project and enable the ALM UFT Mobile Extension.

For details, see Create projects and Enable extensions for a project.

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(Optional) Customize Digital Lab enabled project

You customize you project using the UFT Mobile Configuration page in Project Customization. Your customizations override the site parameter settings. For example, you may need to set a project with a server IP address that is different than your other projects.

For details about customizing a Digital Lab enabled project, see Customize UFT Digital Lab enabled projects.

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See also: