Create projects

To start working in ALM, you need to create a project. A project collects and stores data relevant to the application management process.

In this topic:

Create an empty project

This section describes how to create an empty project.

To create an empty project:

  1. Open Site Administration > Projects tab.

  2. Click Create Project to open the Create Project wizard.

  3. In the Choose Type step, select the Create an empty project option, and click Next.

  4. In the Add Details step, enter the project name, and select the domain where you want to create the project. Click Next.

    The project name cannot be longer than 30 characters and cannot contain special characters including -=~`!@#$%^&*()+|{}[]:';"<>?,./\ and space.

    Note: Support of non-English characters depends on the database settings used by the server. To avoid any possible issues, do not use non-English characters in project names.

  5. Provide the following database information and click Next.

    Database Type Select Oracle or MS-SQL.
    DB Server

    Specify Server Name, DB Admin User, and DB Admin Password.

    By default, these fields are given default values. If additional database servers are defined, you can select another name from the Server Name list.

    For details about defining database servers, see Add database servers.

    Create as Unicode

    If you want to create the template as Unicode, select the Create as Unicode checkbox.

    The Create as Unicode checkbox is only displayed when creating an empty project in an MS-SQL server. Unicode is a feature of MS-SQL that allows multi-language support.

    You can also convert a project to Unicode after creating the project. For details, see Convert projects to Unicode.

    If your selected database server does not have the text search feature enabled, a message box opens. The message indicates that after this process completes, you can enable the text search feature. For details on enabling the text search feature, see Configure Text Search.

  6. (For SaaS only) In the Create in TableSpace field, select a tablespace where this project is created. In the Temporary TableSpace field, select a temporary tablespace. Click Next.

  7. In the Add Project Administrators step, select administrators for the project. Click Next.

    Project administrators can add and manage other users in the project.

    To add administrators for the project, select the users from the All Users list, and click the right arrow . To delete administrators, select the users from the Selected Users list, and click the left arrow .

    You can also assign project administrators after you have created the project. For details, see Add users to a project.

  8. In the Select Extensions step, select the extensions you want to activate for the project. Click Next.


    • You cannot disable an extension for a project after you enable it. We recommend you enable only the extensions you need. Extra extensions can affect performance and consume additional disk space.

    • As you navigate from one extension to another, relevant license status information is displayed in the License Status section.

      Extensions with no license on the server are displayed in gray. It is possible to enable an extension for which you do not yet have a license. You can utilize the extension's added functionality later, after receiving the license.

  9. In the Summary step, verify the details of the project you want to create.

    Activate Project

    Select it to activate the project.

    Only activated projects are available to users in the Application Lifecycle Management Login window. You can also activate or deactivate a project after creating it. For details, see Deactivate or activate a project .

    Enable Versioning

    Select it to enable version control for the project. You can also enable version control for a project after creating it. For details, see Enable or disable version control for a project.

  10. Click Create.

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Create a project from a template

This section describes how to create a project from a template.

To create a project from a template:

  1. Open Site Administration > Projects tab.

  2. Click Create Project to open the Create Project wizard.

  3. In the Choose Type step, select the Create a project from a template option, and click Next.

  4. In the Customization step, specify the following and click Next.

    Domain Select the domain where the template you want to copy is located

    Select the template you want to copy.

    Link the new project to the selected template Select this if you want to link the new project to the selected template. The template administrator uses cross project customization to apply template customization to the linked projects.
  5. In the Add Details step, enter the project name, and select the domain where you want to create the project. Click Next.

    The project name cannot be longer than 30 characters and cannot contain special characters including -=~`!@#$%^&*()+|{}[]:';"<>?,./\ and space.

    Note: Support of non-English characters depends on the database settings used by the server. To avoid any possible issues, do not use non-English characters in project names.

  6. Provide the following database information and click Next.

    Database Type Select Oracle or MS-SQL.
    DB Server

    Specify Server Name, DB Admin User, and DB Admin Password.

    By default, these fields are given default values. If additional database servers are defined, you can select another name from the Server Name list.

    For details about defining database servers, see Add database servers.

  7. (For SaaS only) In the Create in TableSpace field, select a tablespace where this project is created. In the Temporary TableSpace field, select a temporary tablespace. Click Next.

  8. In the Add Project Administrators step, select administrators for the project. Click Next.

    For details, see the Add Project Administrators step.

  9. In the Summary step, verify the details of the project you want to create.

    For details, see the Summary step.

  10. Click Create.

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Create a project by copying an existing project

This section describes how to create a project by copying an existing project.

Before you start

Consider the following before copying a project:

Version control

If you copy a project with version control enabled, the new project is created with version control enabled. Version history is also copied. Entities that are checked out in the source project are checked out in the new project. An administrator in the new project can undo those checkouts.

For details, see Version control.

Unicode or ASCII definition The new project inherits the Unicode or ASCII definition of the copied project.
Usage Reports

Test run details are not included in the Usage Reports in the copied project.

Timeslot Timeslot information and project settings are not copied.
Result files Result files associated with the original project are not copied.

To copy a project:

  1. Open Site Administration > Projects tab.

  2. Deactivate the project you want to copy. See Deactivate or activate a project .

  3. Click Create Project to open the Create Project wizard.

  4. In the Choose Type step, select the Create a project by copying data from an existing project option, and click Next.

  5. In the Select Project step, in the Domain field, select the domain where the project you want to copy is located. In the Project field, select the project you want to copy. Click Next.

  6. Select what to copy from the project. Click Next.





    Copies release data from the project.


    Copies requirement data from the project.

    Risk Based Quality Management

    Copies risk-based quality management customization settings from the project. For details, see Customize risk-based quality management.


    Copies test data and test resources from the project. If this option is selected, you can also choose the following option:

    • Test Sets: Copies test set data from the project. If this option is selected, you can also choose to copy the following option:

    • Runs: Copies test run data from the project.


    Copies defect data from the project.

    Include History

    Copies history data for the options that are selected.

    Public Favorite Views

    Copies public favorite view data from the project. For details, see Favorite views.

    Dashboard Public Entities

    Copies public analysis items and dashboard pages from the project. For details, see Analysis.

    Users and Groups

    Copies user and group information and permission settings. If this option is selected, you can also choose to copy the following options:

    • Dashboard Private Entities. Copies private analysis items and dashboard pages from the project. For details,see Analysis. .

    • Private Favorite Views. Copies private favorite view data and Excel report definitions from the project. For details, see Favorite views.

    • Mail Conditions. Copies the mailing configuration data. For details, see Configure automail.

    • Alerts and Follow up Flags. Copies alerts and follow up flags. For details, see Alerts and flags.


    Copies Sprinter data. This cannot be unselected.

    Analysis Extension

    Copies Analysis data. This cannot be unselected.

    Quality Center

    Copies Quality Center data. This cannot be unselected.

  7. In the Add Details step, enter the new project name, and select the domain where you want to create the project. Click Next.

  8. Provide the following database information and click Next.

    Database Type Select Oracle or MS-SQL.
    DB Server

    Specify Server Name, DB Admin User, and DB Admin Password.

    By default, these fields are given default values. If additional database servers are defined, you can select another name from the Server Name list.

    For details about defining database servers, see Add database servers.

  9. (For SaaS only) In the Create in TableSpace field, select a tablespace where this project is created. In the Temporary TableSpace field, select a temporary tablespace. Click Next.

  10. In the Add Project Administrator step, select administrators for the project. Click Next.

    For details, see the Add Project Administrators step.

  11. In the Summary step, verify the details of the project you want to create.

    For details, see the Summary step.

  12. Click Create.

    If the project you want to copy is not deactivated, you are prompted to deactivate it.

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Create a project by importing from a project file

You can import data from exported project files created in ALM. You can also import data from customized projects created by content providers.

Before you import a project

Understand the following before you import a project.

Unicode, ASCII definition The new project inherits the Unicode or ASCII definition of the imported project.
Version control If you import a project with version control enabled, the new project is created with version control enabled. Version history is also copied.
Import during off-peak hours Importing large projects may take some time. We recommend you perform this operation during off-peak hours.

To import a project:

  1. Open Site Administration > Projects tab.

  2. Click the Import Project from Project File button to open the Import Project wizard.

    Alternatively, you can click Create Project, in the Choose Type step, select Create a project by importing data from an exported project file, and click Next.

  3. Click Browse to select the project file you want to import and click Next.

    • If the selected file is a template project file, a new template project is created.

    • (For SaaS only) If the selected project file was imported before, a confirmation dialog box pops up asking for your decision:

      • Cancel. Cancels the project import.

      • Resume. Resumes the project import from where the last import ended.

      • Replace. Imports the project from the beginning and replaces the last failing imported project.

  4. In the Add Details step, enter the following information and click Next.

    Project Name

    Enter a name for the new project. The project name cannot be longer than 30 characters and cannot contain special characters including -=~`!@#$%^&*()+|{}[]:';"<>?,./\ and space.

    In Domain Select a domain where the new project is located.
    Database Type Select Oracle or MS-SQL.
    DB Server

    By default, the default values defined for the domain are displayed for Server Name, DB Admin User, and DB Admin Password.

    If additional database servers are defined, you can select another name from the Server Name list.

    Create as Unicode

    If you want to create the template as Unicode, select the Create as Unicode checkbox.

    The Create as Unicode checkbox is only displayed when creating an empty project in an MS-SQL server. Unicode is a feature of MS-SQL that allows multi-language support.

    You can also convert a project to Unicode after creating the project. For details, see Convert projects to Unicode.

    If your selected database server does not have Text Search enabled, a message box opens. The message indicates that after this process completes, you can enable Text Search. For details on enabling Text Search, see Configure Text Search.

  5. Do either of the following and click Next.

    If you are creating an Oracle project

    Provide the following information:

    • Create in TableSpace: Select a storage location that has sufficient space to store the new project. You should not use UNDO as the storage location.

    • Temporary TableSpace: Select a temporary storage location that has sufficient space to store the new project.

    If you are creating a Microsoft SQL project

    Add project administrators. For details, see the Add Project Administrators step.

  6. In the Summary step, verify the details of the project you want to create.

    For details, see the Summary step.

  7. Click Create.

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Create a demo project (for SaaS only)

This section describes how to create a demo project.

To create a demo project:

  1. Open Site Administration > Projects tab.

  2. Click Create Project to open the Create Project wizard.

  3. In the Choose Type step, select the Create Quality Center demo project option, and click Next.

  4. In the Add Details step, enter the project name, and select the domain where you want to create the project.

    Activate Project

    Select it to activate the project.

    Only activated projects are available to users in the Application Lifecycle Management Login window. You can also activate or deactivate a project after creating it. For details, see Deactivate or activate a project .

    Enable Versioning

    Select it to enable version control for the project. You can also enable version control for a project after creating it. For details, see Enable or disable version control for a project.

  5. Click Create.

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See also: