Create template projects
Template projects (or templates) enable you to define and maintain a common set of project customizations for multiple projects.
In this topic:
- Overview
- Create an empty template
- Create a template by copying an existing template
- Create a template by copying an existing project
- Create a template project by importing a project file.
When you create a template project, you can link it to projects. This enables the template administrator to apply template customization changes to the linked projects.
Note: ALM Editions: Template projects are not available for Quality Center Enterprise Edition. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM editions.
Create an empty template
This section describes how to create an empty template.
To create an empty template:
Open Site Administration > Projects tab.
Click Create Template to open the Create Template wizard.
In the Choose Type step, select the Create an empty template option, and click Next.
In the Add Details step, enter the template name, and select the domain where you want to create the template. Click Next.
The template name cannot be longer than 30 characters and can include only letters, digits, and underscores.
Note: Support of non-English characters depends on the database settings used by the server. To avoid any possible issues, do not use non-English characters in template names.
Provide the following database information and click Next.
Database Type Select Oracle or MS-SQL. DB Server Specify Server Name, DB Admin User, and DB Admin Password.
By default, these fields are given default values. If additional database servers are defined, you can select another name from the Server Name list.
For details about defining database servers, see Add database servers.
Create as Unicode If you want to create the template as Unicode, select the Create as Unicode checkbox.
The Create as Unicode checkbox is only displayed when creating an empty template in an MS-SQL server. Unicode is a feature of MS-SQL that allows multi-language support. In Oracle, multi-language support is defined when installing the server.
If your selected database server does not have the text search feature enabled, a message box opens. The message indicates that after this process completes, you can enable the text search feature. For details on enabling the text search feature, see Configure Text Search.
(For SaaS only) In the Create in TableSpace field, select a tablespace where this project is created. In the Temporary TableSpace field, select a temporary tablespace. Click Next.
In the Add Template Administrators step, select administrators for the template. Click Next.
For details, see the Add Project Administrators step.
In the Select Extensions step, select the extensions to activate for the template. Click Next.
For details, see the Select Extensions step.
In the Summary step, verify the details of the template you want to create.
For details, see the Summary step.
Click Create.
Create a template by copying an existing template
This section describes how to create a template by copying customization from an existing template.
To copy a template:
Open Site Administration > Projects tab.
Click Create Template to open the Create Template wizard.
In the Choose Type step, select the Create a template by copying customization from an existing template option, and click Next.
In the Customization step, in the Domain field, select the domain where the template you want to copy is located. In the Template field, select the template you want to copy. Click Next.
In the Add Details step, enter the new template name, and select the domain where you want to create the template. Click Next.
Provide the following database information and click Next.
Database Type Select Oracle or MS-SQL. DB Server Specify Server Name, DB Admin User, and DB Admin Password.
By default, these fields are given default values. If additional database servers are defined, you can select another name from the Server Name list.
For details about defining database servers, see Add database servers.
(For SaaS only) In the Create in TableSpace field, select a tablespace where this project is created. In the Temporary TableSpace field, select a temporary tablespace. Click Next.
In the Add Template Administrators step, select administrators for the template. Click Next.
For details, see the Add Project Administrators step.
In the Summary step, verify the details of the template you want to create.
For details, see the Summary step.
Click Create.
Create a template by copying an existing project
This section describes how to create a template by copying customization from an existing project. This method copies customization from the project but does not copy project data.
Before you start
Consider the following before creating a template by copying an existing project.
Workflow scripts | If the project from which you create the template contains workflow scripts, the scripts must be converted after the template is created. This enables the template administrator to apply template workflow customization to linked projects. For details, see How to use the convert tool. |
Version control | If you copy a project with version control enabled, the new template is created with version control enabled. |
To create a template from an existing project:
Open Site Administration > Projects tab.
Click Create Template to open the Create Template wizard.
In the Choose Type step, select the Create a template by copying customization from an existing project option, and click Next.
In the Customization step, in the Domain field, select the domain where the project you want to copy is located, and in the Project field, select the project you want to copy. Click Next.
Link the selected project to this template: Select this if you want to link the project to the newly created template. The template administrator uses cross project customization to apply template customization to the linked projects.
In the Add Details step, enter the new template name, and select the domain where you want to create the template. Click Next.
Provide the following database information and click Next.
Database Type Select Oracle or MS-SQL. DB Server Specify Server Name, DB Admin User, and DB Admin Password.
By default, these fields are given default values. If additional database servers are defined, you can select another name from the Server Name list.
For details about defining database servers, see Add database servers.
(For SaaS only) In the Create in TableSpace field, select a tablespace where this project is created. In the Temporary TableSpace field, select a temporary tablespace. Click Next.
In the Add Template Administrators step, select administrators for the template. Click Next.
For details, see the Add Project Administrators step.
In the Summary step, verify the details of the template you want to create.
For details, see the Summary step.
Click Create.
Create a template project by importing a project file.
You can import data from exported template project files created in ALM. You can also import data from customized projects created by content providers.
To import a template project:
Open Site Administration > Projects tab.
Click the Import Project from Project File button
to open the Import Project wizard.
Alternatively, you can click Create Template Project, in the Choose Type step, select Create a template by importing data from an existing project file, and click Next.
See also: