Projects tab UI elements

This section describes the UI elements of the Projects tab of Site Administration.

In this topic:

Common buttons

The following table describes the buttons on top of the Projects list.

UI Element Description
Refreshes the Projects list.

Restores access to the selected project.

For details, see Restore access to a project.

Opens the Create Domain dialog box, enabling you to create a domain.

For details, see Create a domain.

Opens the Create Project wizard, enabling you to create projects.

For details, see Create projects.

Opens the Create Template wizard, enabling you to create template projects.

For details, see Create template projects.

Pings the selected project.

For details, see Ping a project.

It contains the following options:

  • Upgrade Project

  • Verify Project

  • Repair Project

  • Convert Project to Unicode

For details, see Upgrade projects and Convert projects to Unicode.

Exports the selected project.

For details, see Export a project.

Imports a project from a project file.

For details, see Create a project by importing from a project file.

Removes the selected project.

For details, see Remove a project.

Activates the selected project.

For details, see Deactivate or activate a project .

Deactivates the selected project.

For details, see Deactivate or activate a project .

Enables version control of the selected project.

For details, see Enable or disable version control for a project.

Disables version control of the selected project.

For details, see Enable or disable version control for a project.

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Details tab

The following table describes the fields in the Details tab of a project.

Field Description
General section

Domain where the project is located. You can move the project to another domain by selecting a different value in this field.

Note: When you save the change, you are prompted to deactivate the project if it is still active.

Alternatively, you can move the project to a different domain by using drag and drop in the Projects list.

If a project's domain changes, it does not change the physical location of the project.

Project Name Name of the project.
Project Status Status of the project: active or inactive.
Created From Domain

If the project is copied from another project or a template, this field displays the domain of the project or template that is copied from.

Created From Project If the project is copied from another project or a template, this field displays the project or template that is copied from.
Project Database section
Database Type Type of the project database: MS-SQL or Oracle.
Database Name Name of the project database.
Database Server Name of the server where the project database is located.
Maintenance State

Indicates whether a maintenance task is being performed on this project. Tasks include verifying, repairing, upgrading, and realigning a project. Possible values are:

  • Idle. No maintenance is being performed on this project.

  • Corrupted. Maintenance cannot be completed because the project is corrupted. To resume, a backup copy of this project must be restored.

  • Under maintenance task. Maintenance is being performed on this project.

For details, see Upgrade projects.

Connection String

Connection string of the project database server.

To edit the connection string, click the Change Connection String link. If the project is still active, you are prompted to deactivate it.

For details about connection strings, see Add database servers.

Versioning Indicates whether or not version control is enabled for the project.
Project Directory The location of the project repository in the file system.
Unicode Supported Indicates whether or not this project supports Unicode.
DB User Password Click the Change Password link to modify the password for accessing the database.
Enable/Rebuild Text Search

Enables and rebuilds the text search indexes.

For details about configuring Text Search, see Configure Text Search.

Note: If the operation of enabling and rebuilding the text search indexes times out before it completes, you can change the default timeout value by defining the TEXT_SEARCH_TIMEOUT parameter. For details, see Site Parameters.

Search Language

Displays the default search language of the project.

If Text Search is enabled, you can select another search language.

For details, see Select search language for a project.

Exception File

Enter the location of the exception file to be used when running the upgrade process.

For details, see Define an exception file.

Repository Cleanup section
Promote Repository Cleanup

Instructs ALM to clean up the repository of the current project as soon as possible.

For details, see Define project repository cleanup.

Postpone Repository Cleanup

Instructs ALM to postpone the repository cleanup of the current project, or to stop a cleanup that is in progress.

For details, Define project repository cleanup.

Project Planning and Tracking section
Automatic Calculations State

Click it to enable automatic PPT calculations for the project.

For details about PPT, see Project planning and tracking (PPT) calculations.

Run Now Click it to manually trigger PPM calculations for the project.
Quality Insight section
Enable Quality Insight

Enables or disables Quality Insight for the project.


  • Only project administrator (for on-premises) or customer administrators (for SaaS) can enable or disable Quality Insight.

  • You can enable Quality Insight for a project only when it is enabled at the site level and the customer level (for SaaS). For details, see Quality Insight.

  • If you enable Quality Insight, the Quality Insight dedicated user is automatically added to the project.

Miscellaneous section
Send Email Automatically

If you select this option, you enable the mail configuration settings for the project. This sends emails to specified users every time defined defect fields are updated.

If you do not select this option, mail configuration settings for the project have no effect and emails are not sent.

For details on configuring mail, see Configure automail.

Linked to Template

Name of the template to which this project is linked.

If the project is not linked to a template, it is displayed N/A.

User Quota

The number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the project.

  • Unlimited Connections: Select this option if there is no limit on the number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the project.

  • Maximum Connections: Enter the maximum number of users you allow to connect concurrently to the project.

Note: The maximum number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the project should not exceed the number of users allowed to connect to its domain. For details, see Create domains.


Description of the project.

By default, it shows the project creation time.

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Users tab

The following table describes the UI elements in the Users tab of a project.

UI element Description

Enables you to add users to the project from the Users list or from other projects.

For details, see Add users to a project

Filters the project users by name, email, and group.
User Name Username of the project user.
Full Name Full name of the project user.
Email Email address of the project user.

Roles that are assigned to the project user.

You can add roles to and remove roles from project users. The roles include default ALM roles and custom roles.

For details, see Assign groups to the project users.

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Database tab

The following table describes the UI elements in the Database tab of a project.

UI element Description
Exports the SQL query result to a .csv file.
Executes the SQL query.
Clear Text Clears the SQL statement.

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Linked Projects tab

This tab is available to template projects only.

The following table describes the UI elements in the Linked Projects tab of a project.

UI element Description

Opens the Add Projects dialog box, enabling you to link projects to the template.

For details, see Link a template to projects.

Unlinks the selected projects from the template.
Searches the linked projects by project name.
Refreshes the linked projects list.

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See also: