Create domains

This section describes how to create domains, view and edit the details, and delete domains.

In this topic:

Overview of domain

Projects are grouped by domain. A domain contains a group of related projects, and assists you to organize and manage a large number of projects. Each domain contains a Projects folder and a Template Projects folder to organize your projects and template projects.

Note: Some functionality in Site Administration is limited per edition. For example, ALM template projects are not available to Quality Center Enterprise Edition. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM editions.

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Create a domain

Follow the steps below to create a domain.

To create a domain:

  1. Open Site Administration > Projects tab.

  2. Click Create Domain, enter the domain name, and click Save.

    The domain name should:

    • Be up to 30 characters.

    • Begin with a letter.

    • Include only letters, digits, and underscores.

    Note: Support of non-English characters depends on the database settings used by the server. To avoid any possible issues, do not use non-English characters in domain names.

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View and edit domain details

Open a domain to view and edit its details.

To view and edit a domain:

  1. Click the domain from the Projects list.

  2. In the Details area, view or edit the following.

    UI Element Description
    Directories section
    Physical Directory

    Read-only. The location of the domain.

    Miscellaneous section
    Contact Name Add a person's name as the contact. It is the contact point when there are questions or problems with the domain or its projects.
    Contact E-mail Add the email address of the contact person for the domain.
    User Quota

    Define the number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the domain.

    • Unlimited Connections: Select this option if there is no limit on the number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the domain.

    • Maximum Connections: Enter the maximum number of users you allow to connect concurrently to the domain.

    Default DB Server Select a default database server that is used when creating projects in the domain.
  3. Click Save to save your changes.

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Delete a domain

If you delete a domain, it is removed from the Projects list, and its contents are deleted from the server.

To delete a domain:

  1. Prerequisite: Make sure the domain you want to delete does not contain projects or template projects. To delete the domain, you must first delete the projects.

  2. In the Projects list, hover over the domain you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete . Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

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Convert to unicode in domain

See also: